This Marxist Shuttles Between Two Homes While Plotting to Destroy Ours


wealthy young woman accused of rioting in Lower Manhattan cooked up plans to take over luxury apartments abandoned by “white flight” — and defend them by tossing bricks off rooftops …

Clara Kraebber, whose parents own a $1.8 million co-op[erative apartment] with river views on the Upper East Side [Manhattan’s swankiest neighborhood], detailed her desire to build a “BLM … focused” network for “wealth re-distribution” in notes seized following her arrest last week, law enforcement sources said.

Her parents also boast a

second home: a 4-bedroom, 2-1/2 bathroom farmhouse that dates to 1730 and sits on nearly seven acres in rural Litchfield County, Conn.

Yet 20-year-old Clara is an enthusiastic rioter with BLM—so enthusiastic that she was “arrest[ed] on charges of felony rioting and misdemeanor possession of graffiti instruments…” Alas, she “was released with a summons to appear in Manhattan Criminal Court on Dec. 3” instead of being shipped pronto to Venezuela or North Korea.

Getting inside the head of this violent Marxist (but I repeat myself) may not be a place you want to go on a lovely Saturday afternoon; if you do decide to click the link Rick sent, I’d advise you to dose yourself with Dramamine first. The notes Clara kept, from which the article quotes extensively, aren’t for the faint of heart. For instance, in them she 

pointed to the “HUGE number of empty units” in “white flight apts, new luxury buildings” that … include the instruction to “study tactics of clearing buildings.”

There are repeated references to “scouts” to find vacant apartments and locksmiths to help break in, as well as the need to “prep for SWAT-style eviction efforts” through the use of movable “barricades” and “bricks on roofs as weapons,” sources said.

As the NY Post says, “They can start with her place!

Marx really lucked out that the world abounds in such abysmally stupid and ignorant people.


1:00 pm on September 12, 2020