“This Is About Liberty”

One of LRC’s readers in Maine, Jean Carbonneau, added another protest against compulsory Jabs to his resume:

Again, very peaceful, and respectful.  Unfortunately, not as many people as the previous one I attended, but still I’d say around 150 people.  Mostly healthcare workers (some of them took a personal day off to attend, which speaks volumes on their commitment), but there were some firefighters, along with long-term home administrators, and representatives from the Maine Legislature. Having it in the middle of week is a tough call to get people to attend. …

Again, I spoke with some of the health care workers there, and they are committed to never taking this thing, and are willing to part ways with their jobs.  The tyrant in charge here extended the deadline from Oct 1st to the 28th.  It doesn’t matter to these workers.  They will never take it.

On a different note, a lawsuit was filed here last week.  More than 2,000 John and Jane Does were named as plaintiffs.  Most of the people I spoke with say their establishments are already short staffed as it is.  But then again, this was never about health.  One of the speakers was a firefighter, who has 26 years on the job.  He stated that he puts his life on the line to help those who are in need.  And since he’s not going to ever take this thing, whose life will be on the line if he’s fired?  I was glad to participate in this, and I will continue to do so.  One other thing that took place.  There was a young man wearing a hat reading, “(word rhymes with duck) Biden,” and [a] young woman was holding a sign saying the same thing.  One of the organizers came over to them and told them to either remove the sign and take off the hat, or leave.  They left.  I was glad they told them to leave. It was totally inappropriate for them to wear this.  This isn’t about a man, or a party.  This is about liberty. …

Amen and amen!


5:49 pm on September 8, 2021