The voting systems that accept and tabulate votes and ballots are defective. They can easily be hacked. They are porous. Analyses from past elections establish their defects beyond any doubt. However, the systems were never fixed. This is explained in this video by a reputable source whose team of experts examined the situation.
The sad voting situation is systemic because of the wide adoptions of defective systems that are highly vulnerable to the switching or flipping of votes from one candidate to another.
Consequently, after viewing the video, there can be little or no confidence that the election tallies are in any sense a reliable basis at this juncture for declaring winners and losers in many contests, whose results supposedly arise from fair counts of votes and ballots, counts that reflect the preferences of the public voters.
It is surely the case that the presidential election result is unknown at this time. And because the system’s machine vulnerabilities as well as many other contributing factors have undermined any assurance that the numbers are accurate and meaningful, this election now appears to be null and void.
The presidential election cannot be replaced by another election that depends on votes of the public that will utilize the same defective systems. However, it can be replaced by the constitutional procedure in which state electors decide whom to vote for without their votes being linked to the popular vote. It can be replaced by a constitutional procedure in which the House votes state by state.
In order for these alternatives to gain support by all voters, blue and red, the people who are vocally declaring Biden the winner and Biden himself would have to take the position that, because of the voting system’s defects and other known frauds and issues, the election is null and void. This willingness and character to do the right thing is absent. It will be regarded as a Trump trick to maintain himself in office. In other words, the poisonous attitudes of the anti-Trump contingent are so prevalent and fierce that no concession to settling the vote by these alternative means can get a fair hearing. The blue contingent is going to insist on Biden even if it means failing to get the unity or coming together that they profess to want, and even if it wrecks the country.
11:24 am on November 9, 2020