Former Communist fellow traveler Eugene Lyons, author of The Red Decade, and Benjamin Gitlow (American Communist Party General Secretary, Communist International executive committee member), who wrote The Whole of Their Lives: Communism In America – A Personal History and Intimate Portrayal of Its Leaders, courageously revealed the true nature of subversion, infiltration & Stalinist control of the CPUSA.
“The God That Failed, published in 1950, compiled personal narratives by six former Communists and fellow-travelers, including André Gide, Arthur Koestler, Ignazio Silone, and Richard Wright. Each one told a tale of coming of age in a world riven with crisis, finding meaning in Marxism, identity in the Party, and inspiration in the Soviet Union, gradually growing disillusioned, and finally breaking with Communism,” noted journalist George Packer.
In the early 1950s former German communist Willi Schlamm encouraged William F. Buckley, Jr. to found the “conservative” magazine, National Review, with Buckley as the sole owner. Think of many of the Old Left individuals such as Trotskyist communists Max Eastman, James Burnham, Willmoore Kendall, who initially joined Buckley’s National Review, along with top Communist Party USA operatives such as Frank Meyer, John Dos Passos, and former Soviet spies Whittaker Chambers, Nathaniel Weyl, and Bella Dodd.
Irving Kristol, the ex-Trotskyist communist became the godfather of neoconservatism, the disingenuous and insidious movement of perpetual warmongers which dominates the Right today. His son, Bill Kristol, is the godfather of #NeverTrumpism
Later the editors of Ramparts, the most prominent New Left magazine of the 1960s/70s David Horowitz and Peter Collier wrote searing books on “second thoughts” on how they and other noted leftists such as “red diaper baby” Ronald Radosh and Black Panther leader Eldridge Cleaver became anti-communist and therefore vilified by their former comrades. All seemed to have a deep seated hatred of communism and its repeated cloaking of totalitarianism in heady promises of social justice, peace, and coercive redistribution of wealth.
Today Mark Crispin Miller, Michael Rectenwald, Naomi Wolf, Thaddeus Russell, Bret Weinstein, Jimmy Dore, Ayaan Hirsi Ali and an ever growing number of courageous former leftists have deserted the thuggish ranks of the insufferable totalitarians dominating the political and cultural landscape of America. They are to be hailed, congratulated, and encouraged in their heroic endeavors.
1:27 am on February 21, 2022