The “Vibrant” Murder Capital of North America

In response to President Trump’s perfectly accurate description of the Baltimore City congressional district represented in Congress for the past several decades by Elijah Cummings, under the supervision of the Maryland Democrat Party for the past sixty years, the current mayor defended what he called his “vibrant” city.  Alas, the only thing “vibrating” in Baltimore are the windows of houses during shootouts.  The murder rate is the highest in the U.S. per 100,000 population and nearly eleven times the national average; the violent crime rate in general is about nine times the national average; and the robbery rate is about ten times the national average.  Standardizing for population size, Baltimore’s murder rate is twice that of Chicago’s.

Among the more memorable Baltimore Sun news articles in the past year or so is one about how a mob of “youths” armed with boards descended on the Inner Harbor area and beat the daylights out of a family of ten tourists, including the 80-year-old grandmother.  Another article was about the new fun game of randomly shoving a strolling tourist into the putrid, stinky, garbage-filled harbor (Google “images of garbage in Baltimore inner harbor”). The brand new deputy police commissioner and his wife were robbed at gunpoint last week.  Welcome to Baltimore!  A woman walking her dog near Johns Hopkins University was found stabbed to death at 5 in the afternoon.  There were five shootings and three murders just last night in the city.  City officials once had to cut short a tour of the inner harbor with visiting corporate executives who were considering sending their convention business to Baltimore when a dead body was spotted floating in the water a few feet from them.  A business woman sitting next to me on a flight out of BWI told me that the police advised her not to stray more than a block from her inner harbor hotel because “they won’t just rob you, they’ll kill you.”

The mayor resigned a few months ago because she was even more corrupt than Cummings and the rest, and not as slick, and got caught.  Her predecessor responded to violent “Black Lives Matter” rioters setting fire to businesses and private homes and looting pharmacies by ordering the police to “stand down” and give the rioters, who she called “our children,” their “space.”  (Every one of the police officers accused of causing the death of Freddie Gray while in police custody after being arrested, the cause of the riot, was acquitted).  The city’s political gangsters and angry blowhards like Cummings and the mayor blame it all on white racism and stingy white politicians in Washington like Donald Trump.  Just give Baltimore politicians oh, I dunno, a couple trillion dollars from the federal treasury and all these problems will go away, they say.  If you disagree with that then, by definition, you are a racist.


7:47 am on July 28, 2019