The Vast American Public Supports Reforming Laws Concerning Medical Freedom, and that Drug Companies Should NOT be Immune from Suit if Their Vaccines Cause Injuries

The reform proposals outlined by Naomi Wolf and Amy Kelly in their concise article posted today at LRC: Three Ways the Next President Should Tackle Big Pharma, are perfectly in line with the public opinion polling sentiments from the 1776 Law Center commissioned poll concerning “medical freedom” when respondents were asked whether: “Drug companies should not be immune from suit if their vaccines cause injuries.”

Agree: 75%

Disagree: 17%

Unsure: 8%

Strongly Agree: 50%

Every demographic group supported ending drug company immunity for vaccine injuries. Every ideological group supported ending drug company immunity for vaccine injuries. Every age group supported ending drug company immunity for vaccine injuries. Every group across religion, race and region supported ending drug company immunity for vaccine injuries.

1776 Law Center commissioned BIG DATA POLL, a survey company with an established record of successful surveys for the past decade. Using statistically validated methodologies, propreitary access to voter files, and diversified sourcing, BDP interviewed 2000 registered voters nationwide from May 17 to May 24, 2024 via mixed-mode to include likely voters screened by self-reported likelihood to vote and independently confirmed vote history. Interviews conducted online are sourced through Lucid (CINT) and phone interviews including P2P SMS and text-to-online are sourced from the Aristotle National Voter File Database. Results were weighted for gender, age, race and ethnicity, education, geography and region to approximate the American public. The overall sampling error is +/- 1.8% at a 95% confidence interval.



2:06 am on October 25, 2024