Putting together bits and pieces published over the past 4 years, we now know more surely than ever before that the Steele dossier was a false report.
Exodus 23:1 directs us as follows (King James Version): “Thou shalt not raise a false report: put not thy hand with the wicked to be an unrighteous witness.” The Living Bible, which paraphrases, reads “Do not pass along untrue reports. Do not cooperate with an evil man by affirming on the witness stand something you know is false.”
This is precisely what a host of Americans in positions of authority and responsibility did, and in the process they brought us all down.
Matthew Henry explains this verse in depth and why it’s so important not to bear false witness and, more generally, not to indulge in slander, character assassination and libel.
“1. The witnesses are here cautioned that they neither occasion an innocent man to be indicted, by raising a false report of him and setting common fame against him, nor assist in the prosecution of an innocent man, or one whom they do not know to be guilty, by putting their hand in swearing as witnesses against him, v. 1. Bearing false witness against a man, in a matter that touches his life, has in it all the guilty of lying, perjury, malice, theft, murder, with the additional stains of colouring all with a pretence of justice and involving many others in the same guilt. There is scarcely any one act of wickedness that a man can possibly be guilty of which has in it a greater implication of villanies than this has. Yet the former part of this caution is to be extended, not only to judicial proceedings, but to common conversation; so that slandering and backbiting are a species of falsewitness-bearing. A man’s reputation lies as much at the mercy of every company as his estate or life does at the mercy of a judge or jury; so that he who raises, or knowingly spreads, a false report against his neighbour, especially if the report be made to wise and good men whose esteem one would desire to enjoy, sins as much against the laws of truth, justice, and charity, as a false witness does—with this further mischief, that he leaves it not in the power of the person injured to obtain redress. That which we translate, Thou shalt not raise, the margin reads, Thou shalt not receive a false report; for sometimes the receiver, in this case, is as bad as the thief; and a backbiting tongue would not do so much mischief as it does if it were not countenanced. Sometimes we cannot avoid hearing a false report, but we must not receive it, that is, we must not hear it with pleasure and delight as those that rejoice in iniquity, nor give credit to it as long as there remains any cause to question the truth of it. This is charity to our neighbour’s good name, and doing as we would be done by.”
The Department of Justice is weighing indictments for crimes having to do with this false Steele report, its origin, its spread and its misuses. The reach of the DOJ cases is unknown to us at this time, but enormous damage has already been done to our society by a large number of people, especially in government and media, who did exactly what God has told us not to do.
The adjacent verse in Exodus 23:2 happens to read (KJV) “Thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil.” Or paraphrased “Don’t join mobs intent on evil”. Today we see mobs intent on evil, and what’s worse we see elected officials and media who support them, again in direct violation of God’s judicial laws.
We all pay a price for such disobedience even if we are not directly involved. God has made that clear time and time again.
6:59 pm on August 5, 2020