The Science Behind Grounding – An Introduction

In my recent post, Appreciating “Grounding” Lesson #1, I pointed you to a wonderful 15 minute introductory video Down To Earth and Dr Sam Bailey’s Interview with Clint Ober.

Clint, who is now 79 years old, was involved in the installation of cable television systems from the 1960s thru the 1980s. In his work he knew the importance of “grounding” all things electrical to keep them from malfunctioning – or even catching fire or blowing up!

He recounts his remarkable story of how he accidently came upon the insight that we electrical-human-beings are mostly insulated and disconnected – ungrounded – from the Earth.

What’s more remarkable was his quest to involve the medical establishment to find out WHY and HOW simple grounding so dramatically reduces excess inflammation in the body and – quite spontaneously – aids the body’s natural ability to QUICKLY heal itself.

This is bio-physics – not new age stuff.

Here’s a full length documentary on Grounding. It tells you the story of several Doctors, Physicists and Researchers who have taken what Clint started and are finding the MANY ways regular, daily Grounding can improve health and even cure chronic diseases.

Please watch, and share. (1:15)

Then please look over a sample of the now exploding Scientific Research on Grounding and how it can improve your own health and those you care about, HERE.


5:39 pm on August 1, 2023