The Problem with Public Schools in Virginia

No, not that your average working-class moms and dads are domestic terrorists plotting to bomb the schools.  That was last week’s talking point from the Democratic National Committee.  The real problem is that there are too many white teachers, Terry McAuliff has declared.  You see, the percentage of white teachers must exactly match the percentage of white students, and not a smidgen more if the black kids are to learn anything according to Terry, the Clinton crime family’s former bagman.  More institutionalized racial discrimination, bigotry, and demonization of white people with “critical race theory” should do the trick.  Reminds me of how, in his first address to the business school faculty at my former place of employment, Loyola University Maryland, the lilly white academic vice president, a buffoonish example of “wokeness,” looked around the room and announced that “there are too many people in this room who look like me.”  ( He could have altered that situation by resigning, needless to say).


8:24 am on November 1, 2021