Our fellow lovers of liberty continue to flout the mandates for masks without repercussions. May these dispatches from various fronts hearten us wherever we’re fighting!
For example, Brutus in South Carolina
went to two places Tuesday without any issues.
First was to donate blood. Sign on door, “Mask Required For Entry.” I walked on in and began filling out the paperwork…
I got the attention of someone on the phone and she indicated she saw me and I was soon taken to the question room, blood drawn, and out the door. Not even an indication of anyone noticing my not wearing a mask. I was the only one though.
Second was to a big box store to get some lawn mower blades and other odds and ends.
Walked on in and did my shopping, the only one not wearing a mask. Again, … no indication from any one they cared.
Tony Tilley in Alabama
recently made a rare visit to a Wendy’s. Walk[ed] up to the door and saw a sign about “Granny Governor Ivey’s” mask mandate. As I read, with no mask on my person, a worker said “Go on in. We won’t hassle you.”
Most people were masked however. How ignorant and malleable folks are…
I have learned many sad facts about Americans during the scamdemic, but their compliance and cowardice are among the most discouraging of all. Where are the fierce autonomy, the common sense, the courage and tenacity, the utter infatuation with freedom, that founded this country? No one looking at modern Americans would ever, for one moment, suspect we descend from militia and Minutemen.
But I interrupted Rev. Tilley:
I also pastor a church where we meet, offer masks (no one wears), and sing three times each week. Families have always sat together anyway. We have had 2 cases but it didn’t even spread to the other members of the household. They had mild symptoms that could have been nothing if not found by testing rotations at work. Confirmed our belief that it is not nearly as bad as stated.
You don’t mean Our Rulers lied, do you?
Roving reporter Mike
Took a road trip last weekend to rural eastern Indiana and western Ohio, through the Amish area of north Ohio, as well as metro Columbus, Ohio. Encountered normal people and total maskholes.
Rural eastern Indiana: 60-40ish percent of people wore / did not wear fear masks (hat tip to Eric Peters for the phrase). Those who did had the decency not to say anything to those who didn’t. McDonalds had a full lobby but, due to covid, had the restrooms closed. People in Indiana don’t pee? Thank God Walgreens across the street had open restrooms. Walgreens staff didn’t say anything about being a clean cut, clean shaven, and decidedly unmasked Alabamian.
Rural western Ohio: similar to rural eastern Indiana, 60ish percent wore the fear mask but didn’t say anything to those who didn’t. Even some of the Walmart cashiers showed their faces. Hampton Inn didn’t offer housekeeping due to covid. We accumulated 3 days of trash and used towels. Very sanitary. I’m sure the franchise owner saved some money from employing fewer illegal alien housekeepers.
Rural northern Ohio: went to tourist trap Amish areas. Amish don’t wear masks. Nor do they allow themselves to be drafted or pay taxes. Very wise. Most tourists still wore masks but no one said anything to those who chose not to. …
Columbus, Ohio: Again, Embassy Suites didn’t offer housekeeping due to covid. We accumulated 2 days of trash and used towels. Trash, towels, & linens outside the room doors made it look like a movie crack house. The maskholes are in full force in Columbus.
I would expect no less. After all, this is the town of Governor DeWack, a Demonrat impersonating a Rethuglican. Or maybe vice versa: hard to tell.
Got refused service at a high end restaurant. The jerk maître d’ said governor jackass hath decreed one may not eat in Ohio without a mask. Funny, we had many fine meals there and he was the first one to say as much. I told him “have a nice day” & he continued to argue … . Went to Dominos instead and spent 1/10th of what we would’ve …
Oh, all of Ohio’s major thoroughfares have electronic signs lecturing about masks and social distancing. I wish instead the nanny signs woulda told Ohio drivers to stop riding in the left lane without passing.
Bowling Green, Kentucky: Got lectured to by a zit-faced kid at Jersey Mikes. By then I’ve had enough of pedantic condescension. I told him to politely STFU and gimme a tuna sammich.
Gas stations, truck stops, rest stops, etc. throughout: the overlord’s fiats are plastered everywhere but no one said anything about being unmasked.
Tennessee: Thank God, … thank you to be back in Dixie. At my fav truck stop, a good number were mask free, including the cashiers. I told ’em they were the first normal people I’ve seen that day. We had a hearty Southern chuckle together.
Alabama: I went to Publix to get a few things, and, as usual was left alone.
Summary-1: Rural people are more level headed. City dwellers are p—-s & covid gives them an excuse to be bigger p—-s.
Summary-2: Who’s more of an imperialist -the Republican governor of Ohio or Democrat governor of Kentucky? Ah hell, we have our own zealot in the form of Governor MeeMaw who just extended the idiotic mask fiat through the beginning of October.
Yeah, it’s easy to criticize other states’ politicians—but the ones at home are utterly despotic, too.
Mr. Anonymous’ church in Washington State has
been meeting together all through this plandemic. We don’t wear masks! We sit next to one another, shake hands, hug, and no one has gotten sick! We even sing! (Governor Inslee is gonna get us now.) Our attendance has been gradually increasing, and no one has any plans to stop meeting. Church on Sunday is the highlight of our week, and we have people who have started attending our church since their own churches have been online. One of those ‘online’ churches lost a lot of members when the pastor, in one of his sermons, told the people that they need to understand and respect Black Lives Matter, and disrespect their ‘whiteness.’
Well, I just lost my job today… Management has been on my case for a couple of months now about masks. I hate wearing a mask, and I don’t wear one anywhere except at work. My problem is (was) that I wore my mask ‘improperly’: under my nose, under my chin.
That’s the next iteration in the war: what type of mask and how a victim wears it. Totalitarians are never satisfied.
My boss kept insisting that I wear it properly. I cited breathing issues when going up and down the stairs numerous times every day. I cited evidence that masks can’t possibly stop a virus from being transmitted through, or around the edges, of a mask. My boss wasn’t interested in scientific studies about masks. Our engineering manager wasn’t interested in these scientific studies. I went to the Vice President of engineering and talked to him about how scientific studies are convincing that masks don’t work. I told him that “We are an engineering group. Most of you have degrees in Electrical Engineering or Mechanical Engineering. Shouldn’t we apply the same scientific method to verifying if masks actually work?” His response was “What science?” I asked him if he would be willing to look at some scientific studies on masks. To his credit, he said that he would. So I emailed him a copy of Denis Rancourt’s study of “Why Masks don’t Work”. He emailed me back 2 days later, and thanked me for sending it. He also said that he read the whole thing, even the abstracts of each scientific study that was included. I was impressed.
Unfortunately, management and our Human Resources team thought otherwise, and after a couple of warnings over the last month, they let me go today. I told them that it was a shame that after 43 years working in the field of electrical engineering, I was axed because of a mask.
I’m kind of glad, though, since I have my own side business that I’d rather work at anyway. Almost all of my (former) fellow workers agree with my stand, and we’ve seen a number of them with their masks under their noses and chins. Our Health and Safety manager agrees with me on the plandemic, and the uselessness of masks, but has to nevertheless enforce it, and is going to quit because of it. Many others have privately told me that they agree with me on all the issues.
If enough people just say ‘NO’ to all this craziness, we have hope.
Isn’t that a happy thought! The power lies with us: what indeed can Our Rulers do if we just shout “NO!!!!”
I trust no reader of LRC would ever say, “Hey, what’s all the fuss? It’s just a mask!” But our friends and family may not understand how tyranny works; for their sakes, here’s a link to an essay Vinnie Terranova forwarded entitled, “I Ain’t Wearing No Stinkin’ Mask.”
Neither are you and I!
1:13 pm on September 3, 2020