The Maoist Red Guards of the American Marxist Left

I speak of course of the Soviet Poverty Lie Center (SPLC), known to some as the “Southern Poverty Law Center.  It is the most intolerant, Stalinist, totalitarian organization in America and has been for a long, long time, issuing ritualistic defamations of conservatives and libertarians who succeed in effectively challenging their far-Left Marxist propaganda.

The SPLC is currently spearheading the trashing of Dr. Seuss books (which were very heavily promoted by the Obamas, among many others), claiming that they are . . . . . . . . . wait for it, wait for it . . . . . . . . . . racist!!!

In order to smear Dr. Seuss, however, the SPLC has to reinvent the word “racist.”  They admit that the books promote “acceptance” and race neutrality, the ideals of Martin Luther King, Jr. and his famous dictum that people should be judged not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.  This, the SPLC now claims, is RACIST.  And they have been involved in teaching this rotten, totalitarian, lying propaganda to American school children through its laughingly Orwellian program on “Teaching Tolerance.”

The Marxist idologues who run the SPLC (and who have always run it) are attacking the Martin Luther King, Jr. philosophy because, they say, it teaches children to be accepting of people of all races and to be “race neutral.”  That will not do, they say; in order to compensate for America’s past sins, we must demonize all white people and instigate a race war. Moreover, it is acceptable for black people to hate white people because they are white and for no other reason, says the SPLC, which claims to be the nation’s preeminent monitor of “hate groups.”

The demonization with hate speech (and worse) of ALL white people  (except for their white Marxist comrades), the incitement of a race war, and demands for all kinds of “reparations” is what they call “equity and inclusion.”  It is what they are teaching children in hundreds of schools with their phony baloney “teaching tolerance curriculum.”



11:57 am on March 4, 2021

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