The Life the Enviro-Commie Watermelons (Green on the Outside, Red on the Inside) Have in Store for You

Green New Deal-style “wokeness” run amok is the official virtue signal produced by the International Olympic Committee at the Olympic Village.  The athletes are packing up and leaving for hotels by the droves according to reports all over the internet.  The world of the Olympic Village is a preview of what the communist totalitarians posing as “environmentalists” would like to impose on all of us:

Satan worshipping

Mother Earth worshipping

Sexual perversion run amok

Mocking and ridiculing Christianity

Mocking and ridiculing normal human beings

Mocking and ridiculing the traditional male/female family

Severely cramped living spaces

No air conditioning

Horrible tasteless and unhealthy “plant based” food

Horrific “public” transit

Endless preachy virtue signaling by the ruling class


10:19 am on July 31, 2024