The Jabbers Better Hope This Jabbee Doesn’t Shoot Back, ‘Cause He Could Do Some Damage

Mr. Anonymous

work[s] as a Radiation Protection Specialist at a nuclear power plant in Monticello, MN. We are union, and our local is against the [federal] mandate [for Jabs] but our international is for it. My union is IBEW 160.

That said, here is an internal email given to me from upper management about their plans to force us to take the shot. Also, let me preface, I found out that many utilities have been working together (colluding) over the last several weeks to find a way to say we have to be vaccinated. You see, they are worried about losing their corporate welfare contracts for solar and wind energy so they are desperate to redefine private companies (e.g., Xcel who operates generating plants) as federal contractors so they can say we have to comply with the federal vaccine mandate.

Diabolical, isn’t it?

Here’s that aforementioned “internal email” from Xcel. Warning: hypocrisy, lies, nauseating gutlessness and Jargon directly ahead.

Executive Order on COVID-19 vaccination

We recognize that the COVID-19 vaccine is a topic many of our employees are passionate about – both in favor and against. Since President [sic] Biden announced new policies establishing federal COVID-19 vaccination requirements, our legal team has closely reviewed these requirements and worked with outside counsel, our peer companies and industry association Edison Electric Institute, who are facing the same issue. We have also heard from a number of employees with questions about how these new policies may impact them.

As we’ve shared previously, there are two separate federal laws that could impact us: 1) an Executive Order that applies to all federal contractors and 2) the expected U.S. Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) Emergency Temporary Standard (which has not yet been released).

The President’s [sic] Executive Order, and the rules that implement it, require covered federal contractors to implement a vaccine requirement for employees to be fully vaccinated by Dec. 8, 2021. There is no weekly testing alternative. And the requirements cover those working onsite or from home. Employers must provide reasonable accommodations for employees with medical conditions or sincerely held religious beliefs that do not allow them to be vaccinated.

Xcel Energy is a federal contractor because we sell energy services to federal agencies under our areawide agreements and other contracts. Further, we have received a written notice from the General Services Administration (the contracting arm of the federal government) that confirms we are viewed as federal contractors for the purposes of the federal vaccine requirements.

To give employees more time to comply with the federal requirements,

Oh, the compassion! Why protect vulnerable workers from an illegal “mandate” and from genetic experiments when you can simply give them “more time to comply”?

EEI has requested a 90-day extension of the Dec. 8 deadline on behalf of Xcel Energy and our industry partners – but there is no guarantee that it will be granted. Assuming we are unable to extend the compliance deadline, we need to see our employees demonstrate a good faith effort to follow the federal vaccine requirement to either have received the first dose of COVID-19 vaccine or seek an accommodation by Dec. 8.

To be fair, Xcel does

have a process to seek accommodations. Xcel Energy has developed a process for employees who cannot be vaccinated due to disability or medical conditions or sincerely held religious beliefs. All requests for accommodation will be reviewed on an individual basis. Accommodation requests should be filed to the COVID-19 vaccination reporting form (Veoci tool). Please know that this is a whole new area for our team, so we appreciate your patience as we work through requests.

Meanwhile, don’t assume a fully Jabbed workforce means a return to “normal”:

The Executive Order also requires subcontractors to comply with the vaccine requirements, which means that Xcel Energy’s contractors will be required to implement the same vaccine requirements (with no testing option) for their employees. And all must follow current U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidance on social distancing and face coverings. We will be sharing this information with all employees on Thursday and have developed a few key points here to help you prepare for discussing these new federal requirements with your employees.

To be sure they’re fully propagandized.

We want to provide as much information as is possible to help employees understand these new requirements, but we may not have all the answers at this time. We have developed a set of COVID-19 vaccine FAQs (attached) that can help guide conversations with your team,

“Guide conversations.” Oh, the horror if managers were to hold honest rather than scripted dialogs!

but for issues that are not currently addressed, we will continue to build out our guidance …

Yep, I snorted in derision, too.

As always, we appreciate your leadership and support of our Safety Always culture

Oh, for a “Liberty Always culture”!!!

as we announce this vaccine requirement. Please show empathy with your employees who raise concerns. …

Even if Xcel doesn’t.

While we understand this can be a divisive issue with a range of strong emotions, we are required to follow federal law and will do so.

Notice the substitution of “law” for “mandate.”

Xcel Energy is not alone in this requirement – many companies within our industry and across other industries (healthcare, airlines, manufacturing, food production and many more) are required to comply, as well.

Oh, right. And wide-spread compliance whitewashes evil. Just ask Daimler-Benz and Bayer.

But of all the lies, damned lies, and patent propaganda here, the following may be the most infuriating:

As has been the case throughout the pandemic, our priority is to protect the health-and-safety of our employees and to continue to deliver essential services to our communities. Our workforce is our strength, and we don’t want to lose any employees as a result of these federal vaccine requirements.

Wow. Just…wow.

As Mr. A. despairingly concludes,

Can you see what a load of BS this is? It is unbelievable to even attempt it. To broad-brush stroke every employee who works for Xcel as a federal contractor is almost analogous to saying if you pay taxes you are a federal contractor!

Many of us have contracted out with a constitutional lawyer to fight this. Wish us luck and pray – for we are the front line now and if we fail – people will soon be forced to show proof of vaccination to buy groceries.


Mr. Anonymous


4:14 pm on November 4, 2021