The “Roland Freisler Institute for the Proliferation of Judicial Tyranny” recently announced the winner of its award for 2021: Court of Queen’s Bench Justice Adam Germain in Alberta, Canada.
“Who’s this gowned clown?” you’re probably asking, especially if you are blessed to reside elsewhere than Justin Trudeau’s Marxist dystopia.
Germain is the megalomaniacal and utterly despotic employee of Alberta Province who is persecuting those courageous brothers, Dawid and Pastor Artur Pawlowski.
You remember these two emigres from Poland, where they “grew up under the boots of the Soviets,” as Pastor Artur put it. That heritage only added gravitas to his labelling Alberta’s “public health” Nazis “Nazis” when they disrupted a service at his church in May — a service His Judicial Flatulence declared “a political rally wrapped up in the flag of a religious service.” As if Flatulence has any authority whatsoever to decide what comprises a political rally or a religious service.
Meanwhile, the preacher’s apt description of “public health’s” Gestapo earned him the endless admiration of all who oppose COVIDCon and the equally endless hatred of Leviathan, particularly the beast’s franchise there in Alberta. And of Leviathan’s lickspittle, Adam Germain. Germ not only idolizes the State, he rabidly hates all infidels who don’t.
At the top of that list are the Pawlowskis. Their ongoing persecution courtesy of Canada’s rulers required their appearance in Germ’s courtroom last week for defying Alberta Public Health’s [APH] totalitarian and illegal orders. Whereupon Germ proved that his court is as corrupt and malicious as the gold standard for those twin sins, the US Department of Injustice.
APH opined that two miscreants as rebellious as the Pawlowskis deserve prison–21 days of it, to be precise. Ah, but Germ disagreed. He had something far more novel and vindictive in mind, to wit:
Yep, you read correctly: “$23,000” is not a typo. I’m no expert on Canadian law, but I know a shakedown when I see one.
In addition, I place Pastor Artur Pawlowski on 18 months’ probation, the terms and conditions of which will be to keep the peace and be of good behaviour, obey all AHS Health Orders relating to COVID-19, and to provide 120 hours of community service work (at a rate of not less than 10 hours per month), working at a homeless shelter, a food bank, or any other facility and charity but excluding the Street Church Ministry…
In other words, the Christian philanthropy to which this good man has devoted his life won’t count towards his 120 hours of indentured servitude. Why do I suspect that Leviathan’s homeless shelters and food banks will eagerly humiliate this independent competitor?
And last but most egregiously,
when he is exercising his right of free speech and speaking against AHS Health Orders and AHS health recommendations, in a public gathering or public forum (including electronic social media); he must indicate in his communications the following: I am also aware that the views I am expressing to you on this occasion may not be views held by the majority of medical experts in Alberta. While I may disagree with them, I am obliged to inform you that the majority of medical experts favour social distancing, mask wearing, and avoiding large crowds to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Most medical experts also support participation in a vaccination program unless for a valid religious or medical reason you cannot be vaccinated. Vaccinations have been shown statistically to save lives and to reduce the severity of COVID-19 symptoms.
Even in Trudeau’s fiefdom, this coerced script stuns. Our witty man of the cloth characterized it as “the ‘crooked judge’ want[ing] to turn him into a CBC reporter or CNN reporter, that ‘prays their mantra to the government.’” And his lawyer denounced it as “totally and wholly new as far as sentencing goes, as far as I can see or as far as I am familiar with … I’ve never heard of any kind of probationary period which includes conditions that compelled certain speech. It seems highly unusual and rare.”
Well, that’s one way of describing it. “Capricious,” “unlawful” and “smacking of ‘China [and] North Korea’” are others.
You might suppose that Dawid Pawlowski, whom Germ contemptuously dismisses as “a pale comparison” of his brother, would merit a pale dose of Germ’s retribution. You would be wrong. Dawid’s fine is a staggering $10,000, but otherwise, he suffers the same infuriating reprisals regarding compelled speech.
Lest you assume I misinterpret Germ’s hostility towards the Brothers Pawlowski for dissing his god, consider the following quotes from his execrable decree:
Pastor Pawlowski acted defiantly when he was served with the Gates Order and refused an inspection of his church facility…
As would any good Christian and Patriot. Canada ought to fete, not punish, this adoptive son.
The root of the problem is that these people
Here Germ speaks generally about all who reject the State’s lies and manipulation of COVIDCon. Ergo, he insults not just the Pawlowskis but you and me.
challenge the authority of the courts in a public and community disruptive way and bring the administration of justice into disrespect.
HA! Thanks for sharing the credit, Germ, but you excel at bringing that administration into disrespect without any help whatever.
Germ also pretends that his victims enjoy their persecution and strive to enhance it:
…the Calgary Police Service showed up on May 8 to serve the order but also filming the contemptuous conduct and the distain [sic] for the health orders exhibited by the Pawlowski brothers. They made every effort to obstruct the police from doing their court mandated duty.
Likely because that “duty” violated long-standing Canadian liberties.
When the Pawlowskis left the church, they were arrested in a spectacle, mirroring arrests seen in mass protests or Third World countries. It is not an unreasonable observation that the Pawlowskis reveled in their arrest and went out of their way to make their arrest the Saturday night news spectacle that it turned out to be.
Contrast that with Pastor A’s confession:
“Right now, God has given me the biggest pulpit that I could ever imagine as a pastor, and I’m very grateful for that … Of course, I don’t want to go to prison and I don’t want to face persecution – but if that’s my destiny, I want to use it to the best of my ability. I want to tell people that there is hope; that there is truth that wants to set the captives free.”
But I interrupted the despicable Germ:
From this it can be seen that Pastor Artur Pawlowski’s conduct and that of his brother was extremely aggravating.
Gentlemen, take a bow!
They engaged in both direct and public defiance of a court order designed to save peoples lives.
And another bow, if you please, since we all know these “orders” have naught to do with “saving lives.” Then, too, I bet Germ cannot imagine a greater wickedness than “direct and public defiance” of any governmental babbling.
When Pastor Pawlowski addressed the Court, he taunted me to imprison him. He knows that for him the 21 days in jail will be a slap on the wrist that will make him a martyr. After Pastor Artur Pawlowski was found guilty of contempt he went on a speaking tour in the United States where he parlayed his title as a pastor and the fact that he had been arrested for holding a church service into a rally cry that attracted like-minded individuals in the United States who also oppose healthcare measures addressed at combatting COVID-19.
That would be us, folks. Oh, the horror, that we admire an ardent lover of the Lord instead of Leviathan!
It is disappointing that Pastor Pawlowski had to air his grievances about Alberta in another country. Leaders and statesmen don’t do that.
… AHS played some trip reports in which Pastor Pawlowski oozes hubris, while relishing in [sic] his notoriety. He got to take a picture with a governor of a U.S. state. He is proud of what he asserts is the love of the U.S. people for him. Love he implies he is not feeling in Canada.
Is this not mind-boggling? Apparently, Germ expects those he flagellates to ooze affection for him and his kangaroo court.
His address to the Court during his sanction hearing was a political condemnation of the current government, a condemnation of the men and women who make up AHS, a condemnation of the Courts, and basically a condemnation of everyone who follows the science on COVID-19. He simply refuses to apologize and his lawyer indicated that it would be hypocritical of him to do so in light of his distain
Sic. OK, this is the second strike for what I presumed was a typo. So I looked up “distain,” chagrined lest the impossibly arrogant Germ understands English better than I do. It is indeed a word; I grant him that. But he uses it incorrectly: rather than a variant of the noun, “disdain,” it’s an archaic verb meaning “to discolor; stain; sully.” You know: precisely what Germ does to the bench.
for AHS and the current Alberta government.
Oh, give it a rest, Germ: haven’t you exhausted your bile against these paragons by now?
No, he hasn’t:
[Pastor Pawlowski’s] address to the Court was so inflammatory that I must remind myself that his failure to apologize and to acknowledge his wrong doings is not a sanction aggravation, but only a lack of mitigation.
Bummer when those you’re bullying won’t grovel, isn’t it, Germ?
Pastor Pawlowski is entitled to express views about the government, the Courts, and AHS, but he must do it in a respectful, hate-free way that does not breach AHS Health Orders.
Whoa! I know little about Canadian law, but this diktat directly violates the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, which guarantees among other liberties that
Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms:
- freedom of conscience and religion;
- freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication…” [from page 53 at the link]
Germ now abandons all pretense of impartiality to complain, and churlishly, about the lion standing before him:
[Pastor Pawlowski] was not arrested because of his religion or his religious worship, or for his outlandish publicity seeking views.
He was arrested for breaching a court order.
Of course he was. His refusal to genuflect to politicians and bureaucrats has nothing to do with it.
During his court statement, he pointed out that the Premier of the province in the middle of the pandemic was observed dining with a group of other politicians and appearing not to obey the AHS Health Orders. This gave him an opportunity to suggest that I should jail the Premier along with him and they could share the same cell. Again, I view this as part of Pastor Pawlowski’s fervent desire that I martyr him by giving him a little more jail time to add a little more gasoline to the anti-mask, antivaccination [sic] fire.
Pastor Arthur Pawlowski, his brother Dawid Pawlowski, and others … are on the wrong side of science, history, and common sense on this issue.
And if that isn’t against Canadian law, why, Germ’ll fix it for ya.
Pastor Pawlowski’s outspoken sermon and political lecture delivered to me in his sanction hearing was a cry for jail because Pastor Pawlowski has observed that jail will add to his persona as a martyred Christian fighting the forces of government evil. …
Is it me, or does Germ fixate on this point?
His address to the Court during his sanction hearing was a political condemnation of the current government, a condemnation of the men and women who make up AHS, a condemnation of the Courts, and basically a condemnation of everyone who follows the science on COVID-19.
Whoo-hoo! A bona fide hero!
He simply refuses to apologize
and his lawyer indicated that it would be hypocritical of him to do so in light of his distain
Here we go again…
for AHS and the current Alberta government.
Germ then progresses from trashing a man for his honesty and self-respect to reading minds:
Pastor Pawlowski’s activism against the COVID-19 health measures gave him … the thing he cherishes the most – public notoriety. To a lesser extent this is what his brother Dawid wishes as well.
The brothers fight dictatorship fearlessly and fiercely, so such bluster failed to intimidate them. After Germ’s tantrum masquerading as a trial, Pastor Artur promised, “I’m not hiding. I’m not a criminal. I said I will not obey this court order. I refuse to obey a crooked judge’s order. He’s not a judge, he’s a political activist.”
His lawyers are, of course, appealing the risible and bizarre sentence. If you’d like to help the Pawlowskis, you can contribute to their legal fund. And if you’re Canadian, sign this petition to fire the insufferable Germ.
Nonetheless, hearty congratulations to him on landing 2021’s Roland Freisler Award! This year’s field of candidates was exceedingly qualified, but I think we can all agree that no one deserves it more.
11:37 am on October 21, 2021