The Giant Begins to Awaken

Indianans have so wearied of their governor’s bullying on the pretext of COVID19 that their discontent is “complicating” the Rethuglican’s “front-runner campaign” for re-election. And wow, does that discontent make for heartening reading! 

For starters, check out the headline: “Mask discontent could snarl Indiana governor’s reelection.”

Then feast your liberty-starved soul on these comments:

Longtime reliable Republican voters such as Renee Willis complain Holcomb’s coronavirus orders have been “overbearing.” 

Yee haw!

She partially blames the governor for the loss of her daughter’s job as a manager at a Greenfield restaurant

Encouraging when a serf blames the tyrants who are actually at fault rather than a ginned-up virus, even if only “partially.”

and intends to vote for Libertarian candidate Donald Rainwater in an act of “civic outrage.”

“People have lost jobs, businesses are being forced to shut down …. we haven’t been able to go to church or see elderly family members, they’re being forced to wear masks,” said Willis, 57, of New Palestine, just east of Indianapolis. “Our constitutional rights have been infringed upon, and we’re sick of it.” …


Republican state Sen. Jim Tomes … said many people he has talked with feel “they’ve done their fair share” to fight the coronavirus and are going to vent their frustration with the governor at the ballot box.

What a sea-change! Usually, the more politicians abuse them, the more their victims adore them, a la New York City’s sorry wusses.

“There are a lot of folks that just want to go back to living like Americans again,” said Tomes, who spoke during a Statehouse protest of the mask order in early August.

Those disgruntled voters are unlikely to support Myers, the Democratic candidate, as he called for a statewide mask order weeks before Holcomb issued one and believes it should include possible criminal penalties. …

Holcomb might still try to save face by adjusting the mask order or easing other restrictions, [Libertarian campaign manager Sam] Goldstein said…

I imagine  the “Concerned Citizen” who forwarded this story would agree that the dudgeon’s towering high overhead for the corporate media to quote a Libertarian!

Conservative activist Monica Boyer said she senses many of the frustrations with Holcomb that existed when longtime U.S. Sen. Richard Lugar lost the 2012 Republican primary to a tea party-backed challenger. Boyer said she’s been a Republican her whole life but decided to back Rainwater like many around her northern Indiana hometown of Warsaw over issues such Holcomb ordering churches closed during the first several weeks of the pandemic.

“He is ignoring his base, Mike Pence’s base, (of) social conservatives,” Boyer said. “And actually, he’s doing more than ignoring us. He’s rolling over us with the bus and re-rolling over us.”

Yep. That’s what Leviathan does best.


9:38 am on September 29, 2020