In a post of April 8, “Festival of All the Freedom Government Will Allow,” the always provocative Bionic Mosquito manifests less than complete enthusiasm for Freedom Fest and its promoter, Mark Skousen. The upcoming Freedom Fest features as the “Dream Debate of the Century” a discussion between the Keynesian Paul Krugman and Steve Moore, the chief economist of the Heritage Foundation. The Mosquito objects to the terms in which the debate has been framed:
“Note that Skousen is telling you the limits of the acceptable dialogue:
- Red States vs. Blue States: you must buy into one or the other.
- Flat Tax vs. Progressive Tax: what about no tax?
- Easy Money vs. Deficit Spending: I don’t even know what to make of this.
- Market Capitalism (USA) vs. State Capitalism (China): Because having markets any more free than you might find in one of these two places in not possible.”
The Mosquito extends his criticism to the entire event: “Finally, to the theme of the entire festival: “How Can We Best Restore the American Dream?” I don’t know about the American Dream. I do have some understanding about freedom. I am certain one will never restore freedom if freedom is never discussed.”
As if this were not controversial enough, the Mosquito mordantly assails the organizer of Freedom Fest, Mark Skousen. He notes that Skousen was employed by the CIA and suggests that he has endeavored deliberately to exclude as an alternative a consistent and uncompromising defense of freedom. “Skousen’s role with Freedom Fest is to ensure that actual freedom is not discussed; that the term is so muddied that any consideration of the concept is not possible as there will be no word for it.”
12:05 pm on April 9, 2015