The American Revolution

A&E had an excellent six part series on The American Revolution

The American Revolution

‘Come The Revolution . . .’ by Charles Burris

“But what do we mean by the American Revolution? Do we mean the American war? The Revolution was effected before the war commenced. The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people. . . This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution.”

~ John Adams to Hezekiah Niles, 1818

I can well remember reading those powerful words as a young libertarian undergraduate student in 1972, wondering if I would ever see a new transformative Revolution come in my lifetime.

Adams’ perceptive quote is found in Bernard Bailyn’s brilliant Pulitzer Prize-winning The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution, which I eagerly imbibed for my American Political Thought class.

Yet was the American Revolution to remain merely an intellectual exercise one only experienced in history books?

Were not the societal conditions of today ripe for another Revolution?

Why weren’t the American people as outraged as I was?

Would I ever experience the heady rush and tumble tumult of being a part of a massive, nation-wide, spontaneous uprising of the American people – from whatever background or class or ethnicity – who would rise up and demand freedom and a drastic rollback of the draconian power of the State in all facets.

In the fifty-two years which have passed, through Vietnam, the Watergate Scandal, massive continuous inflation and the collapse of the Keynesian economic paradigm, the Iranian Hostage Crisis, the 1980 October Surprise Scandal, disastrous interventions in Central America, Africa, and the Middle East, the Iran-Contra Scandal, the Balkan Wars, the Clinton Impeachment, the conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq, and all the contentious divisive turmoil fostered against Donald Trump and his administration by the subversive deep state – the RussiaGate charades, impeachments imbroglio and present debilitating Lawfare – all that has transpired since Trump’s 2016 election – by the captured credentialed elites within the administrative state regulatory bureaucracy, the unending duplicitous and egregious campaign of lies, vilification, and distortion by the establishment regime media and their internet social media allies, have led up to the what economist and historian Murray Rothbard described as the “objective conditions” for such a Revolution.

What was needed to fall into place were the “subjective conditions” – the acceptance and implementation by a widespread segment of the American people of the transformational ideological belief-structure – that radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people of which John Adams wrote.

Over those 52 years the Libertarian Movement has unceasingly and relentlessly worked to change that. Lew Rockwell and the Ludwig von Mises Institute have acted as the radical catalyst and focal point to change the hearts and minds of the American people by developing an intellectual leadership cadre dedicated to peace, liberty, and free market capitalism.

That time has finally come. Everything was in place. In 2024 the Revolution had finally arrived.

One important little-discussed effect the earlier pre-Trump, populist Ron Paul Revolution of 2007-12 evoked is that it had awakened in persons the desire to study their history, particularly that of the original American Revolution and the Founders, the Constitution, monetary policy and the Federal Reserve, and American foreign policy.

Dr. Paul, by his profound clarity in speaking truth to power, provoked people of the Ron Paul Revolution to seek their roots as Americans, searching for an understanding of how we got into so many disastrous crises, and exploring the viable solutions to these problems.

I believe that all libertarians, populists, constitutionalists, Ron Paul Revolutionaries (whatever label persons at this moment choose to designate themselves), etc. should focus on one simple undiluted radical message: that of the very illegitimacy of the present American state, and the American people’s repudiation of the criminal elites which reign over them in their name. The point should be driven home over and over that the original American Revolution was based on the idea of government by consent, and that today this concept has been twisted and perverted beyond any meaning.

Building upon this ever-growing distrust and sense of betrayal, Donald Trump, riding upon the most substantial electoral victory in American history, is assembling the team of visionary principled experts dedicated to implement that Revolution, and restore the Republic, to Make America Great Again.

The First Liberty Library, by Murray N. Rothbard

Introduction by Charles Burris

Can one lone person make a real difference in the state of the world? Is there any outlet for societal change in the direction towards liberty free from the corrupting tentacles of partisan politics? Here is a near forgotten Murray N. Rothbard article, “The First Liberty Library,” from the October, 1966 edition of The Freeman, published by the Foundation for Economic Education. It tells the virtually unknown story of British libertarian pioneer Thomas Hollis who, many keen observers once said, almost single-handedly created the intellectual ferment and ideological ground swell for the American Revolution. Rothbard beautifully tells Hollis’ courageous story in his own impassioned and inimitable fashion. The lives of such exemplary men as Hollis and Rothbard, unswervingly dedicated to the cause of liberty, serve as shinning beacons in our ever-darkening world of tyranny and state oppression. Let them both be models of persevering character and commitment for each of us to never give up the good fight and grow weary and disillusioned in our struggle.

The First Liberty Library by Murray N. Rothbard

The lone individual is seldom given credit as a shaper and mover of great historical events; and this is particularly true when that individual is no famous statesman or military hero, nor leader of a mass movement, but simply a little-known person pursuing his own idea in his own way. Yet such a person, scarcely known in his day and totally forgotten by historians until the last few years, played an important role in one of the most significant events in modern history: the American Revolution. In all the welter of writing on the economic, social, political, and military factors in the Revolution, the role of this one obscure man, who directed no great events nor even wrote an influential book, had been completely forgotten; and yet now we know the great influence of this man and his simple idea in forming an event that has shaped all of our lives.

Thomas Hollis of Lincoln‘s Inn (1720-1774) was an independently wealthy Englishman of the eighteenth century, who came from a long line of leading merchants and Dissenters (non-Anglican Protestants). From early in life, Hollis developed two passions that were to guide and consume his life: books and individual liberty. The devotion to liberty was not surprising, for the Hollis family had long been steeped in the libertarian “Commonwealthman” or “Real Whig” tradition, a tradition derived from the English republicanism of the seventeenth century. What was unique about Thomas Hollis was his fusion of an intense devotion to books and to liberty, a fusion which led to his particular idea, to the cherished “Plan” to which he would dedicate his life. This was a plan to disseminate the writings of liberty (his affectionately named “liberty books”) as widely as possible to kindle the spirit and the knowledge of liberty throughout the world.

His Own Kind of Public Service

Offered a chance, in his mid-thirties, to enter Parliament, Hollis refused to join what he considered the inevitable corruption of the political life; instead he decided to devote himself to his Plan to distribute libertarian books. Hollis thus came to spend the bulk of his life collecting and disseminating books and pamphlets and mementoes of liberty where he believed they would do the most good; when books could not be obtained, he financed the republishing of them himself. Every phase of their publication and distribution was shepherded through by Hollis as a labor of love. The typography, the condition of the prints, the luxurious binding and stamping, all were enhanced by his efforts. When sending a book as a gift to a library, person, or institution, which he usually did anonymously, Hollis took the trouble to inscribe the title page with mottoes and quotations appropriate to the book itself. Even “liberty coins,” medals, and prints were collected by Hollis and sent to where they might best be used.

At first, Thomas Hollis sent the benefits of his largesse far and wide, throughout Europe and Asia as well as England and Scotland. But after the Stamp Act troubles in 1765, Hollis concentrated almost all his efforts on the American colonies, in which he and his family had always been interested. The family had often contributed to Harvard College, and now a fire at Harvard, coinciding with the eruption of the Stamp Act turmoil between America and England, gave Hollis the opportunity to send a host of libertarian books and pamphlets to restock the Harvard library, to which he sent no less than 1,300 books! For Hollis was particularly aware of the importance of diffusing the principles of liberty among youth, and especially among university students. Harvard was particularly receptive soil, for it was at the center of the growing revolutionary spirit in the American colonies, a spirit that could only be fueled by the writings of the English revolutionaries of the previous century and their spiritual heirs: men such as the martyred Algernon Sidney, John Locke, John Milton, John Toland, Henry Neville, John Trenchard, and Marchamont Nedham.

Hollis supplemented these activities by sparing no effort on behalf of the American colonists, including writing letters, public and private, wherever he could and reprinting and distributing writings favorable to the Americans. These works included tracts by American and English authors, as well as letters by Hollis’ friends written to the London press, usually after being prodded into writing them by the indefatigable Hollis.

Samuel Johnson Pays Tribute

While far from famous in his own day, Thomas Hollis and his Plan were well known in English intellectual circles, where that crusty old Tory, Dr. Samuel Johnson, angrily pinned upon Hollis the responsibility for the American Revolution. Ironically, Johnson had at first brusquely dismissed the unprepossessing Hollis as a harmless “dull poor creature.” Professor Caroline Robbins, who has done yeoman work in rescuing Hollis from total obscurity, eloquently concludes that Dr. Johnson’s final assessment was not so very wrong:

When his gifts to Americans of his “liberty books” and his propaganda for them are considered, Dr. Johnson’s attribution to Hollis of some share at least in the American Revolution seems hardly exaggerated. . . .

The famous plan of Thomas Hollis of Lincoln‘s Inn was itself a microcosm of the activities of all his liberal contemporaries. Those books, pictures, medals, and manuscripts he began to collect as a young man in the reign of George II represented to him and to his friends the great tradition of English liberty. He wanted to spread knowledge of this sacred canon around the world. As he saw in the policies of George III and his ministers a threat to all he most valued in his dear, native land, he concentrated his efforts to send overseas American friends as much of the heritage as could be confined in print and portrait. The New World would provide an asylum for the freedom his ancestors had fought for in the old.

Hollis was right. In America the academic ideas of the Whigs of the British Isles were fruitful and found practical expression. Americans opposing English policies made claims which could be contradicted from past experience and practice, but in using the natural rights doctrines they were appealing to tradition still lively among their English sympathizers. . . .1

Influence in America

Thomas Hollis’ most direct influence in America fell upon its most eminent libertarian minister, the Congregationalist divine from Boston, the Rev. Jonathan Mayhew. Having discovered Mayhew as a fervent champion of religious freedom and disseminated Mayhew’s work in England, Hollis began an ardent lifelong friendship by correspondence with Mayhew which rapidly expanded the horizons of the New England minister from religious to political liberty. Mayhew’s biographer testifies to the enormous influence wielded by Hollis’ correspondence and by his periodic shipments of boxes filled with libertarian books, manuscripts, pamphlets, and assorted memorabilia.2

Thomas Hollis was not destined to see the fruit of his beloved Plan in the American Revolution. But though this lone man of learning was quickly forgotten, recent historians, in the wake of the researches of Caroline Robbins, have begun to recognize the tremendous influence upon the American Revolution, not only of Hollis himself, but of the entire English libertarian tradition which Hollis did so much to revive and disseminate. The recent works of Charles W. Akers, David L. Jacobson, and particularly Bernard Bailyn have demonstrated how much the birth of America owed to the English libertarian tradition carried on and transmitted by a few stalwart Commonwealthmen of the eighteenth century.3

Igniting an Intellectual Revolution for Liberty


7:54 am on December 27, 2024