That Loch-Ness Monster Called “Democracy”

According to the dictionary’s definition of “democracy” (“government by the people; a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system”), it’s as mythical as the man in the moon or a hard-working bureaucrat. When have citizens ever held the “supreme power”? What “democratic” government isn’t controlled by special interests, the rich and powerful, lobbyists, etc? I haven’t studied all of history’s democracies, but I’d bet the farm on my thesis that no actual democracy has ever existed (and thank God for that: looking around at my fellow New Yorkers–remember, these cretins voted Hitlery into one office already and will likely do so again–, I can testify to the utter mercy of the “supreme powers” not being “vested” in them).

However, reality and facts don’t usually matter to the propagandized boobs that pass for Americans now. They continue to cant about “democracy,” despite decades of  reminders that the Constitution established a representative republic. Nor do they recognize the Progressive coup d’etat that has railroaded us from republic to fascist police-state.

Perhaps they’ll listen to one of Our Rulers, though. Consider–and please share–this illuminating confession from Sen. Richard Burr (R-NC): “I think it’s clear to say that the [NSA’s highly unpopular] program as designed is effective, and members [of the Senate] are reluctant to change things that are effective just because of public opinion … there’s really no compelling reason to change the structure of the program other than that the public is uncomfortable with it.” [Emphasis added. Not that it needed it. Wow.]

Savor this candor from a politician. It’s as rare as a true democracy.


11:07 am on May 15, 2015