Thanksgiving Leftovers

Dave S enjoyed

two different thanksgiving rebellions this past weekend: two separate gatherings with my family and my wife’s family.  Lots of good food: turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, apple and cherry pies, pork chops, and much more.

We also had discussions with each family set about the covid insanity, as everyone isn’t on the same page as us.  It went over very well, and I have attached the outline that I covered in case you find it useful.

That outline consists of nine points, everything from “Moral issues: violence/coercion” and “’Authorities’ and ‘experts’ conflicting actions and statements” to “Conclusion – why does all this matter?” and “What can you do?” I especially appreciated his section on masks:

Masking doesn’t work

  1. Also cause harm

a) Mask mouth

b) Oxygen/co2 issues

c) Bacterial infections

d) Viral and bacterial disease vectors

e) Shame/emotional manipulation of people who cannot wear them

2. Only certain types of fitted masks when used for limited periods and then disposed of in a controlled way can even begin to stop an aerosolized virus.

3. Recent Danish study (that took months before a journal would publish due to corrupted peer review process)

4. Even assuming the govt has the moral authority to mandate them, they don’t work.  That makes this about controlling people, not saving lives

5. The only real purpose served by masking is to maintain a sense of fear in the face of all evidence to the contrary, a constant reminder that we are supposed to view everyone a threat and avoid them.

If you could profit from these notes when speaking with friends and family at Christmas (or before, or after!), kindly write me, and I’ll send you his Word.doc.


4:20 pm on December 1, 2020