In response to my article yesterday on military idolatry, this soldier wants everyone to know that he is no military idolater: “I am still in the military (currently getting the hell out), a combat veteran of the so called “War on Terror” (more like the war on terrorizing other people), and I also say no to all of those questions. In fact, I want to throw up whenever I hear the worship of the military in church and public venues. My accountant told me that I should vote because I fought for the right. I had to tell him I don’t recall anyone threatening my right to vote while I was in Afghanistan and the last people to actually fight for the right to vote were the soldiers in the Revolutionary War (maybe the War of 1812). The conversation stopped after that uncomfortable truth. ”
Now that is a heroic soldier. Glad to see that he is getting out. May he be an example to all soldiers.
9:24 am on March 9, 2016