Sojourners: Lies on top of lies

I received an urgent message in my email today from “The Team at Sojourners,” who are trying to shill for government medicine.  I include the entire email below because I want people to see just how dishonest these self-proclaimed “people of faith” really are.  One real whopper is as follows:

As Jim Wallis said in his letter to you last week, the current system “renders the best health care to the wealthiest, depletes the savings of solidly middle-class Americans, and leaves 46 million with no health-care coverage at all.”

No, an alleged 46 million people do not have health insurance, which is much, much different than not having any medical care, which is what he wants us to believe.  Anyway, I include the email in full:

Two weeks ago, Sam* died suddenly. He was only 21 years old, strong and healthy, preparing for a life ministering to youth.

Cause of death: acute pancreatitis and previously undiagnosed diabetes.

Reason for death: no access to health care to treat the incredible pain in his stomach – until it was too late.

The bottom line: While angry protesters disrupt town hall meetings and national organizations spread fear-based lies, lives are lost.

It’s time for the truth to be told. Sojourners is working to encourage prayer, dialogue, and truth in political debates in our country. We need your help. Can you contribute $25, $50, or $100 to fund our efforts?

We’re working with several partner organizations to make sure that our Congress and nation know that faith leaders do not want to be misrepresented. They want a health-care system that is available and affordable for all.

The current health-care system leaves you and me just as vulnerable to lack of care as Sam was. Health-care reform is just as much an issue of justice, of preserving and celebrating life, as it is an issue of caring for the vulnerable.

As Jim Wallis said in his letter to you last week, the current system “renders the best health care to the wealthiest, depletes the savings of solidly middle-class Americans, and leaves 46 million with no health-care coverage at all.”

The current system hurts the majority of this nation.

What is Sojourners doing? Our policy and media team are working daily to keep faith activists informed and mobilized, and to keep a solid faith voice in the media on this issue. We have:

  • Published a rapid-response health-care Web site with faith-based resources on reform.
  • Developed a downloadable health-care toolkit for you to use in church or small group settings.
  • Provided daily blog posts about the health-care debate on God’s Politics.
  • Drafted a scripture-based Health-Care Creed that calls for values-based legislation: more than 17,000 people have signed, sending over 44,000 letters to their members of Congress!

Help us squelch the fear and anger. Give today!

We still have a long way to go: there are five versions of the bill and at least two more months of debate. Will you help support our policy team in this important work?

William, unlike the town hall meetings across the country these past few weeks, at Sam’s funeral there were no angry shouts or accusations. There was only shock and grief among the 400 friends and family members who attended.

When it’s all over, the town hall protesters will go home to their families and their insurance plans. But the brokenness of our health-care system will echo in the families struggling to pay their premiums or mourning unnecessary losses.

Aren’t you ready for a prophetic stance? Will you partner with us to for an honest dialogue to address the moral perspective? Your gift will be used today.

Together we will define the moral issues that lie at the root of the policy debate. Together we will spread that message to our nation. Let’s do it before it’s too late!


Leah, Lisa, Elizabeth and the rest of the team at Sojourners


8:33 am on August 19, 2009