Ohio has joined the swelling ranks of states clipping COVIDiocy’s wings! Its legislature yesterday passed a bill that “Public health officials say [sic for ‘whine’] … would hamper pandemic response.” Any time these Marxist quacks bemoan a bill, you know it’s a fine piece of legislation!
This particular one would diminish the power of Ohio’s governor and the state’s health [sic] department to destroy serfs’ livelihoods, to close the babysit—sorry, public schools for which their taxes pay, and to dictate all manner of harmful nonsense under the guise of an “emergency.” It does so by “allow[ing] lawmakers to revoke states of emergency and health orders” that the governor, in cahoots with his Health Cheka, I mean Department, imposes.
SB 22 passed pretty much along party lines, with Ohio’s Demonrats voting against any limitation on their god, the State, and Ohio’s Rethuglicans jealously demanding a place at the table when despots trample the people’s rights (just as the Founders predicted when instituting their system of checks and balances).
The bill now heads to that insufferable nerd, Governor Mike DeWack—um, DeWine, who predictably promised to veto it. But Speaker of the House Bob Cupp “said he’s ‘absolutely positive’ they have the votes” to override DeWack. Ride him out of town on a rail while you’re at it, Bob.
Thanks so much to Joe O., not only for alerting me to this joyous story but because he’s one of the Patriots who kicked legislative butt on this bill! Joe tells me several groups worked for SB 22’s success, among them Free Ohio Now and Hugs Over Masks.
Congrats to all of you! May God richly bless you and your battle for freedom!
9:17 am on March 11, 2021