Skousen As Libertarian? Part II

From: J

Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2019 5:21 AM

To: [email protected]

Subject: Mark Skousen

Hello Dr. Block:

I like to read your posts on the Lew Rockwell Blog on the issues of the day, and your analysis of questions asked to you.  I read the recent exchange you had with Mr. Skousen.  I agree with you, that yes, I don’t support what is going on in Venezuela, but how is that the business of the US Government(I recently saw the interview that Tucker Carlson did with a gentleman who’s name escapes me, but the point was these people who couldn’t overthrow government in Venezuela, are trying to do the same in Iran.  Loved it)

But, if Mr. Skousen is to be consistent, why doesn’t he call for the overthrow of Saudi Arabia, or China, or Vietnam (I realize they don’t elect their officials, or if they do, it’s a farce)?  I mean if he is to consistent anyway.

While on the matter, what is your take on this business of people not wanting to interfere in the internal matters of other sovereign countries being called Isolationists??  I read a piece from the Hill in which Trump asked Rand Paul to talk to Iranian officials in New York recently, and the Hill referred to Paul as an “isolationist”.  I believe it’s pure nonsense.  His father was often referred to one as well.

Peace and Liberty, J

Dear J:

Good point. Mark Skousen, if he is consistent with his beliefs, should urge US government intervention in all these other countries too. And this, in the name of (his version of) libertarianism, forsooth. Where were you when I needed you!?! This is a MAGNIFICENT reductio ad absurdum of Skousen’s view, and I was a dummy not to think of it. I thank you for pointing this out.

Although, to be fair to myself, I once did, a while ago, write this reductio of US interventionism:

Block, Walter E. 2007. “Our Little Bellum Omnium Contra Omnes (Read: Kill ’Em All)” July 31;

I think libertarians are isolationists as far as government is concerned. But, we favor free trade, so, economically, we are not isolationists at all. Rather, the protectionists are isolationist in this regard.

Ron Paul, I think, preferred the description “non-interventionist.” The point is, “isolationist” is a term of derision. Maybe, we libertarians should accept that we are political isolationists, but not economic isolationists. This would be like “capitalism.” Originally, it was a smear word used by Marxists against us, but we have adopted it.


3:07 pm on July 24, 2019