Senator JD Vance Issues Unvarnished Take About Pending Ukraine Aid Legislation

In a powerful address to his senatorial collogues, Ohio US Senator J. D. Vance makes the courageous case for prudential reason and reflection, for diplomacy and foresight in crafting America’s foreign policy in regard to Ukraine. Listen to his careful, measured words of common sense and constitutional adherence to the traditional non-interventionist stance of his forbearers in the chamber such as “Mr. Republican,” Senator Robert Taft of Ohio. Taft served as the mentor or model statesman for the most distinguished and principled person to ever serve in the Halls of Congress, the heroic Ron Paul.  Vance’s remarks echo those of Ron Paul.

It is indeed a short thoughtful step of reason and reflection on current events for the American people to finally grasp the unspoken forbidden truth, that of the very illegitimacy of the American nation-state, which has betrayed its core existential foundational principles of that of a limited, decentralized republic, a sovereign union of independent sovereign states, joined together for mutual security and defense, and the American people’s repudiation of the criminal elites which reign over them in their name. The people never wanted this war, funded and prosecuted in their name.

The point should be driven home over and over that the original American Revolution was based on the idea of government by consent by the governed, and that today this concept has been twisted and perverted beyond any meaning. Instead of the founders’ constitutional republic we have tyrannical extraconstitutional governance by the deep state.

The deep state is beyond the Constitution. It is separate from the American government which we all learned about in school, composed of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches. The deep state has no restrictions on its extra-constitutional actions, no separation of powers, no checks and balances, no transparency or open accounting for its egregious and invasive behavior.

Since after World War II, in the name of fighting the Cold War, this welfare-warfare State monstrosity has been grafted covertly upon the backs of Americans, and is the primal source of all the misery, devastation, and destruction of our once great and noble republic.

So who makes up the deep state? This satanic alliance is composed of three primary elements. First, the “too big to fail” Wall Street banksters who profit by the billions from taxpayer bailouts stolen from the US treasury and the Fed, who fuel with their plunder the corruption of our political process by their Super Pacs’ funding of their complacent and compliant shills and political puppets in Congress.

Next, it is composed of the corrupt crony corporatists who again benefit at the public’s expense from their phony “free trade” deals (such as NAFTA and TPP) deindustrializing and destroying by millions the livelihood and jobs of American workers and their families.

Lastly, and most importantly, the deep state is made up of the military-industrial / security complex comprised of pentagon profiteers, sub-contractors and the imperial National Security State it sustains, with seemingly endless no win wars which have murdered millions of hapless victims across the planet, generating terrorism as blowback from its decades of unconstitutional covert actions and preemptive wars of aggression.

We have come to see that the deep state/Democratic establishment/”fake news” regime media Russiagate/Spygate coup attempt and impeachments thoroughly discredited.

We followed the damning chain of evidence and culpability. Google was conceived, funded and directed by the CIA, and Google funded Crowdstrike, the so-called “experts” behind the Russian hackers’ story.

The top echelons of the CIA and FBI were complicit in this series of lies and duplicity in fomenting the attempted coup against Donald Trump. They are now putting forth phony “whistleblowers” and Lawfare in order to strike yet again another mortal blow against Trump.

But the primary issue isn’t Donald J. Trump. It is the criminal nature of the state and the renegade seditionists who sustain its power.



12:04 am on April 25, 2024