Sabotage by an Amazon Commie?

About 85% of the reviews of my book, The Problem with Socialism, have been five-star reviews, and they are filled with glowing praise by readers.  I am of course very happy with this, as is my publisher, Regnery Publishing, since it boosts sales.  However, I recently noticed that almost all of the written reviews of MY book on Amazon have been deleted and replaced by comments on a novel by Anthony Baldacci! Huh?!  Whomever did this apparently thinks that no one would notice as long as he used another Italian surname.  Baldacci, DiLorenzo, what’s the difference?

I suppose it could just be a computer glitch, but is more likely the result of either a commie hacker or a commie Amazon employee.  Regnery is looking into it.

UPDATE:  If you’d like to help me out with this go to and type in The Problem with Socialism. Then scroll down to one of the first “Balducci” reviews and at the bottom of it click on “report abuse” and report that the review is for the wrong book.  Thanks!

SECOND UPDATE (Feb.9):  The problem seems to have been fixed.  Thanks to everyone who wrote to Amazon about this.


12:30 pm on February 6, 2018