Rush Limbaugh coined the word “Femi-Nazi” to describe, in his words, women who seem to have the primary goal in life the maximization of abortions in American society. They are not “pro-choice” but pro-abortion. That’s why all of them were all on board with forced government injections of Pfizer chemical cocktails, and acted hysterically, of course, in response to anyone who objected to it. Perhaps they always believed Bill Gates when he announced in his famous pre-“covid” Ted Talk that “we” can reduce the world population of “we do a really good job” with “vaccines.”
They desperately want to continue the mass murder of babies, and some of them are even now admitting it on television. If such people are not possessed by the Devil, then no one is possessed by the Devil. Some are eugenicists like the founder of Planned Parenthood Margaret Sanger; some are Malthusian environmentalists who believe that more human beings = death of “the planet”; some are just evil, miserable people who hate and despise other humans, who they believe are “deplorable” and the cause of their own failures and shortcomings (including failing to be elected president in 2016).
Rush Limbaugh was apparently chastised by his corporate sponsors about his perfectly legitimate label for these cretins because he quit using it for the last several years of his show. That’s a shame, for it may have quickened the public’s realization of just who these people are.
7:06 am on June 28, 2022