Rockefellers Created Climate Change

Elizabeth Nickson has a Substack on the Rockefeller influence on creating “climate change.” Her subtitle: “Every time you hear a “climate change” scare story, that person was PAID. He is a Rockefeller stooge. He may not know it; but his profession has been entirely corrupted” 

Nickson had a ring side seat on the creation. She held senior positions at Time Magazine and LIFE magazine, and has been published in many other legacy media companies. But her historical grasp of the billionaire class and its influence on public policy is honest and hard-hitting.

She starts, “In the climate change arena, the Rockefellers call the shots. The whole thing was their idea, they took a silly but interesting theory and amped it up with hundreds and hundreds of million of dollars. They founded institutions and linked the survival of those institutions to promoting climate change and population reduction. They adopted one likely politician after another.”

She describes how they work: “The seduction of great wealth is pretty much irresistible. Everyone falls. The last time I was ‘in society’ was at a wedding hosted by the Bostonian Cabots – so ancient they arrived in the New World in 1498. Famously, ‘The Lodges only talk to the Cabots and the Cabots only talk to God.’ That’s how grand they are. Their wealth spread out that weekend was like entering heaven, everything so beautiful, so absolutely perfect in every detail. It was a lush sinking feeling, utterly seductive to the ego. Any Clinton, Gore, Obama, Kerry, Bush, any impoverished scientist, any ambitious university administrator, every fundraiser, every marginalized military man, would just fall over like an ambitious 20 year old faced with her first billionaire. Take me I’m yours.”

This is an excellent high-level introduction, with brief mentions of noxious Rockefeller influence on art, architecture, and scientific research.

Her final comments are encouraging: “Evil has a human face, but despite the billions thrown at the people of the earth, fewer and fewer of us are falling for it. This latest Facebook-hysteria-the-sky-is-falling post from NASA’s Climate Change Center, received 5,600 reactions. 5,300, including mine were laughing emojis. And the top comment cited Torecelli, with one man’s work refuting every single flatulent government propaganda machine theory. Facebook, remember, is controlled speech and still, the people win.”

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12:49 pm on July 7, 2024