Robert Barnes on The Deep State


Not only is Robert Barnes a master litigator and top notch attorney but one of the most in depth, articulate, well read and street-smart experienced political analysts in the nation. Whether it involves the institutionalized criminal machine cartels of the Democrats and Republicans or the deep state, he is a true polymath reminiscent of Murray N. Rothbard in his power elite analysis of Realpolitik.

Subscribers to get outstanding insightful content and presentations on select topics such as the history of the deep state, political assassinations, and the origins of wars and conflicts, as well as analysis of contemporary events and public policies, criminal trials, electoral politics and ethnocultural demographic trends.

As to the history of the deep state, the first episode of his “Hush Hush” series is a tight compact overview of the concept. The second installment is an incredible examination of America’s first deep state, the draconian “state within a state” of  Secretary of War Edwin Stanton’s clandestine empire within the Lincoln regime during the Civil War (the War for Coercive National Unification), where Stanton extra-constitutionally suppressed political speech and dissent, jailing tens of thousands, engaging in a relentless wholesale campaign of surveillance, terror and tyranny. Barnes’ precise characterization of Stanton reminds the listener of the conduct of Heinrich Himmler/Lavrentiy Beria.


3:00 am on December 6, 2021