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Recently a colleague requested of me a select collection of key articles by myself and others that would provide essential background materials on important but little known history crucial to understanding the course of events in contemporary America.  Here they are below: 

“Underworld” and “Upperworld”

Not only is Robert Barnes a master litigator and top notch attorney but one of the most in depth, articulate, well read and street-smart experienced political analysts in the nation. Whether it involves the institutionalized criminal machine cartels of the Democrats and Republicans or the deep state, he is a true polymath reminiscent of Murray N. Rothbard in his power elite analysis of Realpolitik.

Subscribers to get outstanding insightful content and presentations on select topics such as the history of the deep state, political assassinations, and the origins of wars and conflicts, as well as analysis of contemporary events and public policies, criminal trials, electoral politics and ethnocultural demographic trends.

As to the history of the deep state, the first episode of his “Hush Hush” series is a tight compact overview of the concept. The second installment is an incredible examination of America’s first deep state, the draconian “state within a state” of  Secretary of War Edwin Stanton’s clandestine empire within the Lincoln regime during the Civil War (the War for Coercive National Unification), where Stanton extra-constitutionally suppressed political speech and dissent, jailing tens of thousands, engaging in a relentless wholesale campaign of surveillance, terror and tyranny. Barnes’ precise characterization of Stanton reminds the listener of the conduct of Nazi Heinrich Himmler/Soviet Lavrentiy Beria.

Hush Hush Playlist (Robert Barnes)

Power Elite Analysis — The Necessity To Question Authority

Who Rules America: Power Elite Analysis, the Deep State, and American History

Hidden History: Where Organized Crime and Government Meet

How the CIA Bamboozled The Public For 70 Years

Political Ideologies and the Intelligence Community

Remembering the Deep State Coup d’état and Murder of President John F. Kennedy

Learn about the origins and operations of the National Security State (the deep state) established in 1947 during the Truman regime.

The deep state is beyond the Constitution. It is separate from the American government which we all learned about in school, composed of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches. The deep state has no restrictions on its extra-constitutional actions, no separation of powers, no checks and balances, no transparency or open accounting for its egregious and invasive behavior.

The deep state is made up of the military-industrial complex comprised of pentagon profiteers, the intelligence community and corporate surveillance contractors of the imperial National Security State it sustains, with seemingly endless no win wars which have murdered millions of hapless victims across the planet, generating terrorism as blowback from its decades of unconstitutional covert actions and preemptive wars of aggression.

Refresher Course on The Secrets of Silicon Valley: What Big Tech Doesn’t Want You to Know

The American Deep State (Amazon book list)
Along with the multinational petroleum and weapons/intelligence industries of the military-industrial complex, the global narcotics trade is one the biggest businesses in the world. It is fueled and enabled by the intersection of drug money, intelligence and money laundering on a vast scale by banks and financial institutions. Researchers have connected the dots linking the underworld of organized crime (narcotics) to the upperworld of the Establishment (Wall Street banks and CFR-connected corporations/foundations/media). Interwoven within the nexus are the covert intelligence agencies.

One Year Ago — Crossing the Rubicon: Thus Begins The Revolution

Deep State Undermined Trump Presidency: Glenn Greenwald

For well over one hundred years U. S. government authorities have imported draconian police state techniques and technology developed overseas back to the American homeland, whether involving torture, surveillance, and suspension of human rights and liberties, using the overseas country as a laboratory for counterinsurgency and rearming local security forces for repression. I witnessed Professor Alfred W. McCoy deliver these same illuminating remarks at the University of Tulsa and afterwards had an opportunity to briefly discuss aspects of his internationally recognized research on CIA covert operations, the global narcotics trade, and the origins of the National Security State with him.

Talk – Alfred McCoy – Surveillance State: The Making of the U.S. Internal Security Apparatus

From suppressing the Filipino Insurrection following the Spanish-American War to the destructive counterinsurgency campaigns in Afghanistan and Iraq, these martial exercises in unlawful, extra-constitutional behavior have continued unabated. And like the prodigal son of New Testament scriptures, they have come home.

The Long-Standing Class War on the Poor, Disadvantaged, and Marginalized Has Also Turned Against the Productive Middle Class

100 Years of Conspiracy to Destroy American Freedom

The Key to Understanding US History

Know Your Roots

LBJ vs. The Kennedys: Chasing Demons – originally aired by the History Channel on June 1, 2003

This is a very good documentary that details the absolute war that was going on between Lyndon Johnson and Robert Kennedy in the aftermath of the JFK assassination.

Years ago I was showing my Political Parties students this film. The documentary is a psychological examination of the behind-the-scene confrontation between Robert Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson and its impact on America in the period following John Kennedy’s assassination. The film utilizes actual recorded phone calls between the principals, with insightful commentary by key historical persons/witnesses involved in these matters. We now know from recently published books and taped interviews that the “elephant in the room” which is never discussed or mentioned in the program was the firm belief by both Robert Kennedy and Jackie Kennedy that Lyndon Johnson was involved in JFK’s murder in a coup d’état. The film dramatically portrays Lyndon Johnson’s increasing paranoia and dark manic suspicions concerning Robert Kennedy and his ulterior motives against him, fueled by covert intelligence reports given to him by his long-time close associate (and next door neighbor) FBI director J. Edgar Hoover, enemy of both John and Robert Kennedy. One of my students remarked that the documentary resembled the plot intrigue in Shakespeare’s Macbeth. I pointed out that this was an outstanding and very perceptive observation, for there had actually been a very controversial play, Mac Bird, written on this theme. All the other students then began to see parallels between the two stories from what they had remembered from studying Macbeth in their English Language Arts class.

The reason for this is that Lyndon Johnson had just orchestrated the murder of JFK in response to the Kennedys trying to utterly destroy him with massive coordinated media exposes of of his corruption as well as a Senate Rules Committee investigation into LBJ’s corrupt behavior that was also being instigated by Attorney General Robert Kennedy in early November of 1963. The Kennedys were not merely going to drop Lyndon Johnson from the 1964 Democratic ticket; they were going to napalm LBJ into roasted ruins.

The death of President Kennedy thrust Lyndon Johnson into the nation’s highest office–and a new chapter in a bitter feud with Robert Kennedy. One of the greatest rivalries in U.S. history, this feature-length look at their tumultuous relationship features never-before-heard oral histories and LBJ’s White House telephone recordings. It reveals how the Kennedys saw Johnson as a threat to the New Frontier, while LBJ nursed a deep-seated fear of being overshadowed by an increasingly mythologized JFK legacy.

The strained relationship between former president Lyndon Johnson and Bobby Kennedy is chronicled through Dictaphone recordings; dramatic reenactments; and commentary from many who knew both men. Among those commenting: former Johnson secretary Marie Fehmer; former press secretary George Reedy; and Nicholas Katzenbach, former assistant attorney general.

This production was basically hidden away as it was pulled from circulation when powerful persons close to the legacy of Lyndon Johnson objected to how he was portrayed during that week over several shows, as much as certain persons might complain that his legacy was tarnished, keep in mind that this program uses archival audio recordings, and that most of the people interviewed for this 2003 program were his peers.

It is quite odd that the History Channel would air this program that had so many persons who lived during the Kennedy and Johnson years in the White House talk of intimate details and then to have the show discarded from their lineup of related programs. Obviously this Chasing Demons special was removed along with the 2003 The Men Who Killed Kennedy series episodes, partially at the powerful insistence of LBJ’s widow, Claudia “Lady Bird” Taylor Johnson.

LBJ Versus the Kennedys: Means, Motive and Opportunity Leading To November 22, 1963 – LRC Blog

New Evidence Implicates CIA, LAPD, FBI and Mafia as Plotters in Elaborate “Hit” Plan to Prevent RFK From Ever Reaching White House

Did J. Edgar Hoover Order the Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr?

A Company Family: The Untold History of Obama and the CIA

There is Absolutely No Reason in the World to Believe That Bill Clinton Is a CIA Asset—Except for All the Evidence

Was Ron Brown, Clinton’s Secretary of Commerce, Murdered by the Clintons to Save Their Presidency?

Was the 1949 “Suicide” of Defense Secretary James Forrestal the First Major Domestic Political Assassination of the Emerging U.S. Deep State After WWII?

Who Ordered the Killing of Malcolm X?

How Organized Crime Infiltrated American Business After WW II and Corrupted National Politics from Truman to Trump

Manufacturing Consent for War: 70 Years of CIA Coups, Assassinations, False Flag Operations and Mass Murder


2:18 am on January 27, 2022