The Real Purpose of Global Warming Hysteria, Fearmongering, and Phony Science

The way to resurrect “the honorable title of socialism” after the worldwide collapse of socialism in the late 1980s, wrote prominent socialist economist Robert Heilbroner in the Sept. 10, 1990 New Yorker, is to generate public hysteria about what Heilbroner called “the ecological burden that economic growth is placing on the environment.”

He provided a recipe for the destruction of capitalism and the resurrection of socialist central planning:

“Capitalism must be monitored, regulated, and contained to such a degree that it would be difficult to call the final order capitalism.”  All under the guise of “easing the ecological burden,” wink, wink.

This would require that we ignore the reality that more affluent, more capitalistic countries are also environmentally cleaner, and that the poverty caused by socialist central planning of this sort would reverse the ecological progress created by capitalistic wealth creation.  After all, the worst environmental catastrophes of the twentieth century were in the socialist world.  See, for example, the book Ecocide in the USSR.


4:02 pm on December 7, 2016