Lots of my friends are publishing lately. Jack Criss, longtime friend of mine, Lew’s, and the Mises Institute, has published a new book, Ready, Aim, Right!, which collects his best columns over the last 15 years, published in various Mississippi business publications.
Criss, a libertarian, neo-Objectivist, and cultural conservative, is currently publisher of the Metro Business Chronicle, and was a popular libertarian AM radio talk show host in Jackson from 1987-1992, where he interviewed and met a host of libertarian and other intellectuals, including Murray Rothbard (see picture, right), Lew Rockwell, William F. Buckley, Jr., Robert Bork, Jesse Jackson, Leonard Peikoff, Michael Kinsley, Fred Barnes, Charles Murray and Allan Bloom. Libertarians, Missippians, and cultural conseravatives will enjoy Jack’s analyses.In addition to Jack, my first boss, respected oil & gas lawyer Lanny Yeates, has published his first novel, Bay of One Hundred Fires (Brazos Valley Press). It’s a lawyer-military-terrorism thriller centered on an imaginative and interesting terrorist attack on America. He even based one of the main characters on me (the Louisiana lawyer with advanced electrical engineering degrees). Fans of Clancy, Nelson DeMille, and lawyer thrillers take note!