Walter: In July of 1978 I had the honor of attending the Cato Institute’s First Summer Seminar on Political Economy at Wake Forrest University. The distinguished faculty of libertarian luminaries included Murray N. Rothbard, Leonard P. Liggio, Arthur A. Ekirch, Walter E. Grinder, and Roy A. Childs.
But it was the powerful lecture presentations by Walter E. Grinder, “Libertarian Class Analysis” and “American Power Elites” which had the most truly lasting impact upon me. Over the decades Walter has remained my mentor and inspiration in these areas. As LRC readers know, this has been the primary intellectual interest in my life since hearing Walter lecture on it in 1978.
As homage to him and his outstanding efforts in helping me and so many others by his gracious and thoughtful guiding hand throughout these years, I have consciously followed in his pioneering pathway blazed by his initial research in these endeavors.
11:39 pm on December 8, 2022