Lew, I’m sorry but after 26 minutes into it I could not listen to this BS REASON interview with a liberal professor who has written a new book comparing and contrasting the old classical liberal “libertarianism” represented by Nobel Laurite F. A. Hayek to the new “libertarianism” of Ayn Rand, Robert Nozick, and Murray Rothbard. He is very critical of Rothbard. What is missing and fundamental to the discussion is the insight of the essential criminal nature of the state, something completely out of depth of this professor’s limited understanding of the traditional classical liberal/Hayekian paradigm. All States originate in conquest and exploitation, and as elite oligarchies, continue to exercise this monopoly of crime over their subject peoples through war, taxation, conscription of persons and resources, and indoctrination.
Here are crucial examples of works analyzing this seminal concept: David M. Hart, Libertarian Class Analysis: A Historical Survey, Social Class and State Power: Exploring an Alternative Radical Tradition, by Murray N. Rothbard, Who is the State? from his book For A New Liberty: The Libertarian Manifesto; Murray N. Rothbard, The Anatomy of the State; Murray N. Rothbard, Capitalism and Statism; Murray N. Rothbard, The Ethics of Liberty; Albert Jay Nock, Our Enemy, The State; Gerald Casey, Libertarian Anarchy: Against the State; Against the State: An Anarcho-Capitalist Manifesto; Robert P. Murphy, Chaos Theory: Two Essays on Market Anarchy; The Ethics of Anarcho-Capitalism; Robert Nisbet, Cloaking the State’s Dagger; and my own articles, Hidden History: Where Organized Crime and Government Meet, and Who Rules America: Power Elite Analysis, the Deep State, and American History.
There are the important questions which matter and should be asked of anyone who discusses “politics.” Unfortunately, most people (such as this professor) are oblivious to seeking these deeper insights. They are deferential to what they learned in school and from their peers, from their willfully ignorant parents, and from the regime media. They are extremely naïve and oblivious to the real history of state criminality not found in their public school state-mandated text books.
They are unaware of the post-WWII creation by the National Security State of synthetic “liberal” and “conservative” ideological movements which sought to rationalize the projection of power and hegemony of the American empire. The American people have been pawns on the deep state’s chessboard for seven decades.
Since after World War II, in the name of fighting the Cold War, this National Security State has been grafted covertly upon the backs of Americans, and is the primal domestic source of all the misery, devastation, and destruction of our once great and noble Republic.
Because of its clandestine nature and covert linkages to organized crime syndicates worldwide, ruthlessness, assassinations, regime change, drug trafficking, extortion and racketeering, money laundering, cyber-crime, and corruption are not aberrations or breakdowns of the deep state, but absolutely endemic to it.
The deep state, driven by the imperial presidency, an acquiescent congress and a complacent federal judiciary, has destroyed the American Republic. This parasitic welfare-warfare state, enabled by the Federal Reserve, fosters, and promotes the profligacy and dependency which is at the root of this destructive process.
The deep state is made up of the military-industrial complex comprised of pentagon profiteers, sub-contractors, the Big Tech/security state nexus, and the intelligence community of the National Security State it sustains, with seemingly endless no win wars which have murdered millions of hapless victims across the planet, generating terrorism as blowback from its decades of covert actions and preemptive wars of aggression.
One must employ what is labeled Rothbardian “Power Elite Analysis” or “Establishment Studies,” the examination of causal relationships regarding the nature and scope of political power, who has it and how it is exercised, to understanding the nexus between the State and those who profit from its machinations. This is what researcher Peter Dale Scott calls “Deep Politics,” the critical examination of the sub rosa reality behind surface events, an attempt to unmask the true face of power, exposing the elite social, economic, and financial groups and individuals who benefit from the exercise of State coercion. How is the corporatist welfare-warfare State enabled by the fractional reserve policies of the Fed? What is the true purpose of Military Keynesianism, the War on Drugs, and the US Empire of over 900 bases stretching across the planet? How do these policies impact on the grievous loss of civil liberties at home?
1:34 pm on November 17, 2022