The computer revolution is ongoing. It’s revolutionizing all sorts of things, more and more permeating production techniques. All of it requires programming. Should children be taught how to program at an early age? Are we in a world where one must program or be programmed by others?
Parents invest in their children and help shape their children’s investments in themselves. Are you or your schools teaching your children what they’ll need to survive and prosper in this dynamic economy we live in?
Teaching kids computer programming skills has caught on in China in preschool classes.
These are investment or entrepreneurial decisions that parents must make for their children. The jobs of the future are not going to be the same as the jobs of today. The skills that will be in demand are unknown. The demands for human programmers are very strong now and visible into the future. Some think that if programs can be written so that computers and robots generate more programming themselves, then coding will become automated. If it is relatively easy and fun to expose children to programming through well-constructed gaming tools, then there is very little to lose by it and potentially much for them to gain by building upon these foundations.
Programming skills have some generality. They can’t be learned without also learning logic, reasoning and mathematics. A person cannot program without planning a task, writing code, working at it, correcting errors and testing the program. One eventually comes to understand the operation of computers, networks, and robots, for example. These are general benefits from learning. These alone are strong reasons to teach programming in simple form from an early age and make it part of the program of reading, writing, and arithmetic (mathematics) that are so important.
At the large social media companies that are constantly tweaking their censorship methods, we see that the people doing the programming of the algorithms have a heavy influence on the product. More generally, entrepreneurial activities more and more are going to depend on programming invention.
The block chain technology can be built upon knowledge of programming languages like C++, JavaScript, Python, Java, Go, and Solidity.
8:55 am on January 28, 2018