A Previous Debate of Mine and Two Upcoming Ones (in Florida)

—–Original Message—–
From: AT
Sent: Monday, February 06, 2017 3:20 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: 2016 debate with Nick Gillespie
Walter, I just found this debate this night and “played the tape” on youtube. You did great. It’s amazing how some people (libertarians!) can blow off the importance of Top Guns and Russian fighters facing off! I did not know that Reason mag and Nick Gillespie had joined the NYT mud slinging. I think maybe Reason.com is getting jealous of lewrockwell.com peeling off newcomers to freedom. I am in Miami, Florida, looking forward to your debate in Coral Gables with Augustus Invictus (is that a “real” name?). AT

Dear AT: Thanks for your kind words about this previous debate of mine with Nick Gillespie of Reason: https://twitter.com/skycorridors/status/793580125488943105 (the debate starts at around the 24 minute mark; the comedic introduction starts near the 18 minute mark) in New York City. I think your assessment of Reason, vis a vis lewrockwell.com in particular, and by extension of the Mises Institute in general, is very accurate. I’ll bet you the budget of the former is a multiple of that of the latter. So, in terms of “bang for the buck,” the difference is even more stark. I assume Augustus Invictus is a nom de plume. Actually, I’m involved this coming weekend in not one but two different debates; I hope you’ll attend (or watch on live stream) both:

February 11, 2017. Walter Block’s Opponent: Augustus Invictus
7pm Holiday Inn 1350 S Dixie Hwy Coral Gables, Fl 33134
Topic: Libertarianism Yay or Nay
Is Taxation Theft (Invictus says no)
Privatize everything (Invictus says no)
Privatize highways (Invictus says no)
Libertarian Nuremberg trials (Invictus opposes)

February 12, 2017. Walter Block’s Opponent: Charles Peralo
3pm Holiday Inn 1350 S Dixie Hwy Coral Gables, Fl 33134
Topic: Was Milton Friedman better for libertarianism than Murray Rothbard?
Subtopic: Austrian economics

For further information:
[email protected]
Luis R. Rivera III, Chairman
America’s Future Foundation Miami/Rothbardian Circle
those who cannot physically attend the events can watch them here:


10:17 pm on February 6, 2017

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