. . . than your local bartender, your barber or hairdresser, or the checkout clerk at your local grocery store on the issue of global warming or “climate change”? (The Vatican is reportedly “outraged” that President Trump has withdrawn the U.S. from the globalist central-planning-under-the-guise -of-“saving-the-planet scam). It has nothing to do with theology or Catholic doctrine, after all. And why does this Argentinian socialist think it is moral to impose upon the poor people of America (and everyone else) $25/gallon gas, and a quadrupling of monthly electric bills — for starters? Wouldn’t that be a form of regressive taxation, imposing a proportionately harsher burden on lower-income than higher-income individuals? That after all would be the effect of the gigantic carbon taxes the international socialist cabal dreams of imposing on all of us in the name of “saving” us from global warming. Furthermore, why is it “moral” for governments to plunder citizens in this way in order to give politicians all over the world more money to waste, squander, and steal?
Just wondering.
6:47 pm on June 1, 2017