“The Police Just Stood Around and Watched . . . “

. . . as a man was nearly beaten to death by the Berkeley rioters — until MMA fighter Jake Shields stepped in to save him, after which he confronted the human commie garbage.

Other reports say the police were mostly huddling inside one of the buildings watching the rioters set fires, attack innocent people, break windows, destroy cars, throw Molotov cocktails, loot a Starbucks, and generally terrorize the town.

What apparently happened here is this: 1) The UC-Berkeley administration/California System, led by Janet Napolitano, initially organized hundreds of protesters as a threat to the conservative Breitbart speaker; 2) He decided to show up anyway, therefore; 3) they invited in the local commie thugs that are well known in Berkeley left-wing dingbat circles, who they knew would riot; and 4) they obviously ordered the police to stand down and allow the riot to happen to send a message to all other non-Marxist speakers who might be invited to speak in the future by the UC Berkeley College Republicans.  No arrests were made.  Not even one for littering.  Item 5) would be that that university president then made a speech about his devotion to academic freedom as his nose grew longer and longer and longer.

Still no word about any of this from Janet Napolitano.


9:18 am on February 3, 2017

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