I’ve not met Father Ted Rothrock of St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic Church in Carmel, Indiana, but one of his parishioners, Eric Morris, reads LRC.
Several days ago, Eric sent me what he called Father Ted’s “stemwinder” of a sermon from this past Sunday. He knew I’d love it. And I did: it condemned BLM’s violence, Marxism, destruction, and poisonous contempt for society and freedom. We need many more such fearless clergy as Father Ted, men who will denounce evil forthrightly rather than defending or even promoting it as “social justice.”
Of course, such courageous castigation infuriated the “woke” and assorted other snowflakes, commies, and misfits. “But how did people who never attend church hear about a Catholic priest’s homily?” you ask. Well, the Indy Star, part of the “USA Today Network,” decided to leaven its usual propaganda with a report on Father Ted’s truth (or perhaps this was the Star’s attempt to “tattle” on him and rouse the rabble); from there, the story went national: “A Catholic diocese,” intoned The Hill, “is facing calls to remove a local pastor after he compared the Black Lives Matter movement and its demonstrators to ‘maggots and parasites.’” (One of my favorite lines from the sermon, by the way!)
Notice the not-so-subtle indoctrination. The Hill’s writer and editors believe Father Ted should be fired; ergo, they lead with his critics’ bile.
St. Elizabeth has removed the “stemwinder,” so I can’t refer you to it. Fortunately, however, The Indy Star reprinted a few of its stirring paragraphs:
The only lives that matter are their own and the only power they seek is their own … They are wolves in wolves clothing, masked thieves and bandits, seeking only to devour the life of the poor and profit from the fear of others. They are maggots and parasites at best, feeding off the isolation of addiction and broken families, and offering to replace and [sic for our?] current frustration and anxiety with more misery and greater resentment. …
Black Lives Matter, Antifa, and the other nefarious acolytes of their persuasion are not the friends or allies we have been led to believe … They are serpents in the garden, seeking only to uproot and replant a new species of human made in the likeness of men and not in the image of God.
So astute!
Their poison is more toxic than any pandemic we have endured.
Hey, Marxism is more toxic than just about anything mankind has endured.
You can imagine the ire that voicing such facts has aroused among the maggots, the parasites, and the cowards who support them:
The newly formed advocacy group Carmel Against Racial Injustice called on Bishop Timothy Doherty of the Diocese of Lafayette-in-Indiana to remove Rothrock from leadership and require training and ongoing education for priests and deacons on systemic racism and diversity.
Hard to tell from this ambiguous phrasing whether the “advocacy group” “formed” solely to oppose the good father, but if so I warmly congratulate him! What an honor that those who hate the Lord hate him too!
And naturally, the corporate media treats the “newly formed advocacy group” as if it were as legitimate as St. Elizabeth by publicizing its opinion:
“Silence is the action of being complicit in injustice,” the group said in a statement, sharing screenshots of the pastor’s now-deleted post. “We are calling upon parishioners of the church, members of the community, and other religious leaders to denounce these statements and join us in active protest of this position. We can not stand idly by and allow a leader of a church that serves 6,000 Carmel families to pass off hateful and racist rhetoric as gospel.”
Why are commies so allergic to accuracy?
Tragically, it’s a toss-up whose cojones have retreated further, Bishop Timothy Doherty of the Diocese of Lafayette-in-Indiana, who ordered Father Ted to “clarify” his message, or
Carmel Mayor Jim Brainard, who is an active member of the church [but who] declined to comment specifically on the pastor’s message.
‘My administration will continue to work to make Carmel a place where everyone regardless of background can thrive and prosper,’ Brainard told IndyStar. ‘Great cities must be places where people of any race, religion or place of origin feel welcome and included.’”
I expect no better from a politician. But why is the bishop capitulating to ruffians? Because despite Father Ted’s dignified “clarification,” Doherty has now “suspended” him.
Please join me in praying for Father Ted and his parishioners. The “advocacy group” plans to picket the church this Sunday from 7AM to 6 PM; I presume Doherty betrayed his priest in an effort to prevent that. Mr. Spineless has a lot to learn about dealing with bullies.
Second, if you’re near St. Elizabeth, please join them for Mass this Sunday. The Left is adept at converging on and intimidating Christians; we who uphold righteousness and liberty must become as adept at supporting those on the battlefront.
Thank you, Father Ted, for espousing truth. May God richly bless and uphold you.
5:12 pm on July 1, 2020