From: MH
Sent: Friday, September 09, 2016 4:28 PM
To: Walter Block
Subject: A picayune inquiry re: government fines
Dear Dr. Block,
Is one morally or ethically obligated to pay library fines, and if so, why and under what situations? Holistic application of the principle? Thanks. Sincerely, MH
Dear MH: As a libertarian, I have no truck with morality or ethics. Only with a small subset of those disciplines, namely, what should the law be. And my answer is, the law should promote the non aggression principle and private property rights. So, if you don’t pay a private library fine, you’re a criminal. If you don’t pay a fine from a public library (which shouldn’t exist in the first place) you are a heroic Ragnar Danneskjold
11:37 am on September 11, 2016