Pay Us Reparations: Our Ancestors Freed Your Ancestors

My opinion, expressed earlier, on wide-scale reparations is that they are a complete non-starter. There is no way reparations can be done in a just way on a mass basis.

As a policy, reparations are simply another scheme of politicians to buy votes indirectly. Politicians have no shame. They represent themselves, not us. They’re out for everything they can get. If they actually stood up for justice, right and humanity, their output would be far different than what it actually is.

I suggested that there are innumerable questions that people can raise that illustrate the impossibility of ever attaining restitution or justice in 2019 for the slavery, the Jim Crow and the segregation that happened in the past. Here is one such comment from a reader, edited slightly to stay on point.

“According to the establishment narrative, the Great and Kind North, led by the Great and Kind Lincoln fought a massive war on the South over slavery…

“Since, if the North had not fought the South to ‘free the slaves’ the blacks would still be enslaved today, don’t the blacks owe their freedom to the whites who fought and died for them? Shouldn’t the blacks, then, pay for the Civil War as a debt for freeing them? I’d throw this out on FaceBook, but I’d probably have my account suspended.”

I am certain that many Americans who bear no inbred ill-will toward minorities will develop much resentment and worse if they are forced into paying so-called reparations. It will be a natural response. There already is resentment aroused by the trillions in wealth transfers that have already occurred and the favoritism of affirmative action programs. This is especially the case when after 50 years of this, white people are more than ever accused of being racists by ungrateful spokesmen who have made it their livelihood to be race hustlers. From this angle, reparations are simply one more highly divisive issue that will inflame hostility. Sum it up this way: Enough is enough.

I do not for a moment believe in the sincerity of the politicians who are demagogues on this issue. The excessive criticism of Trump shows that one concession after another on racial issues, i.e., appeasement, has embedded in our society a truly devastating lobby for policies that will, if allowed to, utterly ruin our lives and this country. Well-meaning people who have in the past supported measures to achieve false goals of “equality” and “fake rights” are going to have to stop and say “NO MORE”, regardless of being labeled racists or some other epithets.

I do not for a moment believe that the silent black majority comprised of ordinary folks ever had a burning desire for justice through payoffs through reparations. If their opinion has changed as of 2019, it’s because of their leaders leading them astray.


7:01 pm on February 22, 2019