Patenting God’s Love

A US patent has been filed for “Process of Love.”

The ENTIRE text is as follows:

“[0001] This invention resulted from my combining God’s gift of reincarnation with love.

[0002] In Chapter 4 of the London translation of the Holy Bible, paragraph 8 says “He that loveth not knowth not God; for God is love.” and paragraph 16 says “And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him.”

[0003] The scope and extent of my invention is defined in the following claim:

[0004] 1. The process of combining God’s gift of reincarnation with love resulting in immortality.”

This is just a published patent application and no doubt will never issue as a patent (for one, it’s not enabled). Cute. But this idiot paid $375 just for the privilege of seeing it published.


5:14 pm on October 13, 2003