Parsing the Prelates on Immigration

On the issue of immigration, America’s Catholic bishops make honest discussion difficult.

In spite of the Holy Father’s endorsement of dialogue, they refuse stridently to engage in rational discussion, relying instead on pious sentiments wrapped in claims of biblical authority.

To penetrate the fog requires patient and charitable discussion and analysis,  So I’m working on a series of brief treatments addressing one salient ingredient at a time.

The first addresses Cardinal Dolan’s attack on “nativists”; the second compares the bishops’ reactions to the racist murders in Charleston to their silence on the racist murders in Roanoke; and the third addresses the obvious question – who are the real nativists?

Fides quaerens intellectum,” as Saint Anselm put it: “Faith seeking understanding.” In this spirit of charity and truth, no Catholic of good will should be reluctant to ask our bishops serious questions about their position on this vital issue, and no bishop should feel compelled to dodge the question or respond with an uncharitable rebuke masquerading as an answer.



9:52 am on September 26, 2015