Parisian Protesters Clash With Riot Police At May Day Rally

In a futile nostalgic gesture reminiscent of the halcyon days of the Paris CommuneRT reports: “Fresh clashes between protesters and riot police have erupted in the French capital. Sunday’s march of trade unions and students protesting against labor reforms proposed by the French government coincided with International Worker’s Day. While people were demonstrating in the streets in a traditional May Day parade, sporadic clashes with police erupted, according to RT France’s correspondent reporting from the scene. Police deployed tear gas to disperse some particularly hostile demonstrators.”

May 1st holds a particular sacred and reverential significance for the Left in France and around the globe. For it was upon this day in 1776 that former Professor of Canon Law at the University of Ingolstadt, Bavaria, Adam Weishaupt, founded the Order of the Illuminati, which later infiltrated and captured the elite masonic hierarchy of the Grand Orient of France, playing a central role in precipitating the French Revolution of 1789, and subsequent revolutions through Europe and the wider world. May 1 remains the international day of solidarity for communists, socialists, freemasons, and left anarchists.



6:22 pm on May 1, 2016