Responding to If You Doubted They Could Make Compulsory “Education” Any Worse, You Underestimated Our Rulers, a reader endorses Mr. Anonymous’ testimony:
I am a private school teacher in New England. There is a strong fear-based mindset at my school’s community, and I worry about how it is rubbing off on the kids. The plans are simply draconian–everything already mentioned and more–and the regimentation will have lasting effects. (The boss is usually willing at least to listen carefully, but there are just too many other voices.)
I have some ideas. My strategy is to try to encourage more reasoned thinking with the kids so that they can hear other, non-fear-based, perspectives. I also plan to maintain a more, say, flexible attitude toward the regulations whenever possible. It’s important to have identified a breaking point, too. For me, it’s required covid vaccinations (not out of the question). I have to plan an exit strategy.
Education is demoralizing work for liberty-minded people.
How horrific! Learning should be an absolute joy—but as always, the State has sabotaged this most necessary and fundamental of human endeavors.
9:42 am on August 27, 2020