Our Rulers Luxuriate In and Adore Their Hypocrisy

How many times have we caught Our Rulers breaking the very rules they’ve imposed on us, whether for facial diapers or anti-social distancing? Would you believe that they love our unmasking them (so to speak)? An intriguing theory that Monnie Matthews forwarded posits that 

Diabolical Narcissists in the Deep State WANT To Get Caught, Consciously WANT You to See Their Egregious Vote Fraud and Covidic Crimes Against Humanity.

Why? Because

the commission of their crimes and malefactions themselves are NOT the most potent source of diabolical satisfaction.  No – the real rush, the “high” that they crave more than anything is THE GETTING AWAY WITH IT. Specifically, DNs luxuriate in watching other people, whether it be out of fear or sycophancy, pretend to not see, or better yet lie to cover, or even better yet, positively defend and justify, their crimes.

So remember each time you see a Masked Moron that

the pathological effeminacy of our culture is super-fuel for DN tyrants.  They are watching you.  They are watching your utter passivity, and it feeds them.  The musloids [Moslems] are watching as the men of Europe literally stand and stare as they rape their women and children in front of them.  The Deep State regime is watching you as they destroy your culture and stoke Civil War in front of you.  Antipope Bergoglio and the fags and Freemasons behind him are watching you as they scourge Christ and rape His Bride in front of you, and you defend him, and thank him for it – and continue to defend the lie that he is the Pope or ever was. They are all watching others actively and even enthusiastically defend and justify their wicked, heinous crimes, and it feeds them. …

So yeah, they want to get caught.  They all want to get caught. But not because they have any interest in repentance or reform. They want you to see them break the rules, break the law, disenfranchise, enslave, and kill you, and then watch you fold in front of them and prove, once again, how vastly superior to you they are.

I gave up trying to understand people a looooong time ago—that is, presuming politicians and the other Powers That Shouldn’t Be are indeed human—, so I’m a poor judge of whether this columnist is correct. 


6:05 pm on October 20, 2021