From: Buck Johnson
Sent: Saturday, December 05, 2020 8:13 AM
Subject: Georgia
Dr Block,
I have been a fan and consumer of much of your work for many years. I wanted to compliment you on your recent piece (that I found on LRC), “Open Letter to Libertarians in Georgia”.
Block, Walter E. 2020. “Open Letter to Libertarians in Georgia.” December 5;
The points you made are not only valid, they’re of the utmost importance right to now. I’m sure that you’ll receive plenty of pushback but I wanted to thank you for writing it.
Thank for what you do.
Buck Johnson
Death To Tyrants
Anti-Warfare, Anti-Welfare, Pro-Liberty Past guests include: Ron Paul, Tom Woods, Paul Gottfried, Lew Rockwell, Jeff Deist, Scott Horton, Ilana Mercer and more.
From: Walter Block
Sent: Saturday, December 05, 2020 2:36 PM
To: ‘Buck Johnson’
Subject: RE: Georgia
Dear Buck:
Thanks for your kind words.
Best regards,
3:56 pm on April 16, 2021