The usual claptrap from the typical progressive. Here are a few of the BCBS exchange options in the Southeastern U.S. for 2025:
Blue HSA Bronze. Monthly Premium (with over $900 tax credit): $0.00. Oh, thank you government! You are so wonderful! Oh, hold on a minute. Whoops: deductible = $7,200 and out-of-pocket maximum = $7,200. Oh dear, there really isn’t such a thing as a public-private free lunch after all.
Blue Saver Bronze (love the name!). Monthly Premium (with over $900 tax credit): $0.00. That’s the hook, but deductible = $8,500 and out-of-pocket maximum = $9,200.
Here’s a head-scratching gold plan:
Blue Cross Select Gold. Monthly Premium (with over $900 tax credit): $405.00. Deductible = $850, but out-of-pocket maximum = $6,000. Why would someone who earns about $30,000 per year buy such a plan?
Who to thank for all this? Why, conservatives and Republicans, of course, the real inventors of so-called Obamacare. Enjoy the ugly and depressing history. Also, don’t forget that Trump and Austrian economics hater Steve Bannon did their damnest to implement Paul Ryan’s Obamacare Lite in 2017. Good ol’ Rand Paul stopped it dead in its tracks to much MAGA whining.
4:39 pm on December 7, 2024