Not the Beginning of Jade Helm, I Guess

The gang warfare in Waco, which the cops blame on a local restaurant, is the subject of much publicity. But why are the names of the gangs not being mentioned in the media?

UPDATE The gangs include the Bandidos, the Cossacks, the Leathernecks, the Veterans, and the Pirados. Some have military connections. Maybe it is the beginning of Jade Helm!

UPDATE At least some of the bikers were shot by cops.

UPDATE: Remembering the Waco Massacre, when the BATF and FBI burned 76 people to death, most of them little children, we should not forget that it began as a publicity stunt for the BATF, complete with members of the press assembled to applaud law enforcement. This recent incident, which the cops knew about in advance, ended with much publicity about the greatness and necessity of cops to protect us from bikers. We know the cops shot bikers. But who shot first? Was the whole event, if not staged then allowed to take place, for propaganda purposes?

UPDATE The fact that the cops knew about all of this ahead of time does not prove that some bikers were agent provocateurs, but I wonder.


9:34 am on May 18, 2015