Noisy in Boise, Smackin’ in Akron

John Basil Barnhill said, “Where the people fear the government you have tyranny. Where the government fears the people you have liberty.” And increasingly, patriots across the country are teaching fear to the unspeakable politicians and bureaucrats who’ve ruined our world.

Dirk Edwards sent me this first story. A petty tyrant in Idaho fled from a meeting of the Central District Health board 

because of protesters at her home.

“My 12-year-old son is home by himself right now and there are protesters banging outside the door,” she said, fighting back tears. “I’m gonna go home and make sure he’s okay.”

Oh, what joy, that finally this criminal cries instead of her victims! Here’s hoping she sobs twice as much as any of them have!

Several minutes later, CDH director Russ Duke said that Mayor Lauren McLean had called and asked the board to end the meeting.

“I got a call from the mayor, and it sounds like the police, and she is requesting that we stop the meeting at this time because of the intense level of protesters in the parking lot and concern for police safety and staff safety as well as the protesters that are at some of our board members’ homes right now,” Duke said. 

…several hundred protesters – most of them not wearing face coverings – 


gathered in front of the building during the meeting. The crowd began to disperse after the meeting ended.

These heroes demonstrated “outside the homes of at least three board members…” Naturally, Our Rulers sicced the cops on them. 

Rather than admit that her serfs have tired of tyranny, Boise’s mayor chose to blame “people from outside our community whose purpose here was to disrupt local government in action, to intimidate their families. This is not ok. Let me be clear: we will hold offenders accountable. The rule of law is necessary for our democracy, and local government in action.”

Yo, Dictatress: the rule of law forbids precisely what you and your henchmen on the Control—sorry, Health Board have done to the good folks of Boise. 

Mayorette Moron also insisted, “…no local official should fear violence for their public service.”

Au contraire on every point. Poltroons have always whitewashed the state’s sins against us as “public service,” but Mayorette Moron’s use stretches it far beyond even those lenient bounds. As to whether “local officials” should fear violence for destroying our lives and livelihoods, well, sic semper tyrannis.

Hop across the country with me to Akron, Ohio, for our next thrill. Freedom’s fighters there also hit “local officials’” homes—and a measure of their success lies in the Akron Beacon Journal’s smearing them as “racists.”

Akron’s newspaper is part of “USA Today’s Network,” which puts it somewhere to the left of Pravda. Heartiest congratulations, then, to all the dissidents in the “mostly white crowd upset with local COVID-19 laws that regulate private businesses and homes”! These brave souls 

protested outside a Black councilwoman’s home,

Ahem: catch the capitalization of “Black” while “white” is lower case. Yet Marxists insist the latter are bigots!

where her friends and family came in greater numbers to her defense. …

Many in the crowd had shirts, hats or flags supporting President Donald Trump. … They called Samples [the councilcritter] and those who came to support her expletives, “terrorists” and “rioting trash.”

Samples’ defenders called the crowd expletives, “crackers” and “fatties.”

“Fatties”! Hey, obesity damages the country infinitely less than does despotism.


1:07 pm on December 11, 2020