The No-Losers Society

The war on boys in our communistic “public” schools has done some really absurd things in their attempts to stamp out hard work, success, competition, and self respect derived from personal achievement, all in the name of “egalitarianism.”  I recently ran across an especially silly example of this when sitting across from a father and his young son at a Starbucks.  The boy looked to be about 12 and his father asked him how the tournament went, apparently referring to a school basketball tournament. The boy responded quite cynically with a wry smile on his face that “we dominated the losers’ category, came in first, and they gave us all a trophy.”

“A trophy for losing?! asked the father.  “You want to be a winner, not a loser,” he said.  Duh.  The two of them then had a good laugh at the absurdity of ways of the man-hating feminists who are so hard at work ruining the lives of children trapped in public schools in this and so many other ways.  How vile that lower-income parents are trapped into sending their children to these tax-funded communist indoctrination camps.  Almost as vile as charging parents 50 grand a year and more for “higher” communist indoctrination after high school graduation.


11:18 am on December 29, 2016